Subject to division (B) of section 169.01 of the Revised Code, the following constitute unclaimed funds:
(A) Except as provided in division (R) of this section, any demand, savings, or matured time deposit account, or matured certificate of deposit, together with any interest or dividend on it, less any lawful claims, that is held or owed by a holder which is a financial organization, unclaimed for a period of five years;
(B) Any funds paid toward the purchase of withdrawable shares or other interest in a financial organization, and any interest or dividends on them, less any lawful claims, that is held or owed by a holder which is a financial organization, unclaimed for a period of five years;
(C) Except as provided in division (A) of section 3903.45 of the Revised Code, moneys held or owed by a holder, including a fraternal association, providing life insurance, including annuity or endowment coverage, unclaimed for three years after becoming payable as established from the records of such holder under any life or endowment insurance policy or annuity contract that has matured or terminated. An insurance policy, the proceeds of which are payable on the death of the insured, not matured by proof of death of the insured is deemed matured and the proceeds payable if such policy was in force when the insured attained the limiting age under the mortality table on which the reserve is based.
Moneys otherwise payable according to the records of such holder are deemed payable although the policy or contract has not been surrendered as required.
(D) Any deposit made to secure payment or any sum paid in advance for utility services of a public utility and any amount refundable from rates or charges collected by a public utility for utility services held or owed by a holder, less any lawful claims, that has remained unclaimed for one year after the termination of the services for which the deposit or advance payment was made or one year from the date the refund was payable, whichever is earlier;
(E) Except as provided in division (R) of this section, any certificates, securities as defined in section 1707.01 of the Revised Code, nonwithdrawable shares, other instruments evidencing ownership, or rights to them or funds paid toward the purchase of them, or any dividend, capital credit, profit, distribution, interest, or payment on principal or other sum, held or owed by a holder, including funds deposited with a fiscal agent or fiduciary for payment of them, and instruments representing an ownership interest, unclaimed for five years. Any underlying share or other intangible instrument representing an ownership interest in a business association, in which the issuer has recorded on its books the issuance of the share but has been unable to deliver the certificate to the shareholder, constitutes unclaimed funds if such underlying share is unclaimed for five years. In addition, an underlying share constitutes unclaimed funds if a dividend, distribution, or other sum payable as a result of the underlying share has remained unclaimed by the owner for five years.
This division shall not prejudice the rights of fiscal agents or fiduciaries for payment to return the items described in this division to their principals, according to the terms of an agency or fiduciary agreement, but such a return shall constitute the principal as the holder of the items and shall not interrupt the period for computing the time for which the items have remained unclaimed.
In the case of any such funds accruing and held or owed by a corporation under division (E) of section 1701.24 of the Revised Code, such corporation shall comply with this chapter, subject to the limitation contained in section 1701.34 of the Revised Code. The period of time for which such funds have gone unclaimed specified in section 1701.34 of the Revised Code shall be computed, with respect to dividends or distributions, commencing as of the dates when such dividends or distributions would have been payable to the shareholder had such shareholder surrendered the certificates for cancellation and exchange by the date specified in the order relating to them.
Capital credits of a cooperative which after January 1, 1972, have been allocated to members and which by agreement are expressly required to be paid if claimed after death of the owner are deemed payable, for the purpose of this chapter, fifteen years after either the termination of service by the cooperative to the owner or upon the nonactivity as provided in division (B) of section 169.01 of the Revised Code, whichever occurs later, provided that this provision does not apply if the payment is not mandatory.
(F) Any sum payable on certified checks or other written instruments certified or issued and representing funds held or owed by a holder, less any lawful claims, that are unclaimed for five years from the date payable or from the date of issuance if payable on demand; except that the unclaimed period for money orders that are not third party bank checks is seven years, and the unclaimed period for traveler's checks is fifteen years, from the date payable or from the date of issuance if payable on demand.
As used in this division, "written instruments" include, but are not limited to, certified checks, cashier's checks, bills of exchange, letters of credit, drafts, money orders, and traveler's checks.
If there is no address of record for the owner or other person entitled to the funds, such address is presumed to be the address where the instrument was certified or issued.
(G) Except as provided in division (R) of this section, all moneys, rights to moneys, or other intangible property, arising out of the business of engaging in the purchase or sale of securities, or otherwise dealing in intangibles, less any lawful claims, that are held or owed by a holder and are unclaimed for five years from the date of transaction.
(H) Except as provided in division (A) of section 3903.45 of the Revised Code, all moneys, rights to moneys, and other intangible property distributable in the course of dissolution or liquidation of a holder that are unclaimed for one year after the date set by the holder for distribution;
(I) All moneys, rights to moneys, or other intangible property removed from a safe-deposit box or other safekeeping repository located in this state or removed from a safe-deposit box or other safekeeping repository of a holder, on which the lease or rental period has expired, or any amount arising from the sale of such property, less any lawful claims, that are unclaimed for three years from the date on which the lease or rental period expired;
(J) Subject to division (M)(2) of this section, all moneys, rights to moneys, or other intangible property, and any income or increment on them, held or owed by a holder which is a fiduciary for the benefit of another, or a fiduciary or custodian of a qualified retirement plan or individual retirement arrangement under section 401 or 408 of the Internal Revenue Code, unclaimed for three years after the final date for distribution;
(K) All moneys, rights to moneys, or other intangible property held or owed in this state or held for or owed to an owner whose last known address is within this state, by the United States government or any state, as those terms are described in division (E) of section 169.01 of the Revised Code, unclaimed by the owner for three years, excluding any property in the control of any court in a proceeding in which a final adjudication has not been made;
(L) Amounts payable pursuant to the terms of any policy of insurance, other than life insurance, or any refund available under such a policy, held or owed by any holder, unclaimed for three years from the date payable or distributable;
(1) Subject to division (M)(2) of this section, any funds constituting rents or lease payments due, any deposit made to secure payment of rents or leases, or any sum paid in advance for rents, leases, possible damage to property, unused services, performance requirements, or any other purpose, held or owed by a holder unclaimed for one year;
(2) Any escrow funds, security deposits, or other moneys that are received by a licensed broker in a fiduciary capacity and that, pursuant to division (A)(26) of section 4735.18 of the Revised Code, are required to be deposited into and maintained in a special or trust, noninterest-bearing bank account separate and distinct from any personal or other account of the licensed broker, held or owed by the licensed broker unclaimed for two years.
(N) Any sum greater than fifty dollars payable as wages, any sum payable as salaries or commissions, any sum payable for services rendered, funds owed or held as royalties, oil and mineral proceeds, funds held for or owed to suppliers, and moneys owed under pension and profit-sharing plans, held or owed by any holder unclaimed for one year from date payable or distributable, and all other credits held or owed, or to be refunded to a retail customer, by any holder unclaimed for three years from date payable or distributable;
(O) Amounts held in respect of or represented by lay-aways sold after January 1, 1972, less any lawful claims, when such lay-aways are unclaimed for three years after the sale of them;
(P) All moneys, rights to moneys, and other intangible property not otherwise constituted as unclaimed funds by this section, including any income or increment on them, less any lawful claims, which are held or owed by any holder, other than a holder which holds a permit issued pursuant to Chapter 3769. of the Revised Code, and which have remained unclaimed for three years after becoming payable or distributable;
(Q) All moneys that arise out of a sale held pursuant to section 5322.03 of the Revised Code, that are held by a holder for delivery on demand to the appropriate person pursuant to division (I) of that section, and that are unclaimed for two years after the date of the sale.
(1) Any funds that are subject to an agreement between the holder and owner providing for automatic reinvestment and that constitute dividends, distributions, or other sums held or owed by a holder in connection with a security as defined in section 1707.01 of the Revised Code, an ownership interest in an investment company registered under the "Investment Company Act of 1940," 54 Stat. 789, 15 U.S.C. 80a-1, as amended, or a certificate of deposit, unclaimed for a period of five years.
(2) The five-year period under division (R)(1) of this section commences from the date a second shareholder notification or communication mailing to the owner of the funds is returned to the holder as undeliverable by the United States postal service or other carrier. The notification or communication mailing by the holder shall be no less frequent than quarterly.
All moneys in a personal allowance account, as defined by rules adopted by the medicaid director , up to and including the maximum resource limitation, of a medicaid recipient who has died after receiving care in a long-term care facility, and for whom there is no identifiable heir or sponsor, are not subject to this chapter.
Amended by 130th General Assembly File No. 25, HB 59, ยง101.01, eff. 9/29/2013.
Effective Date: 08-29-2002
Section: 169.01 169.02 169.03 169.04 169.041 169.05 169.06 169.07 169.08 169.09 169.10 169.11 169.12 169.13 169.14 NextLast modified: October 10, 2016