As used in sections 1345.61 to 1345.68 of the Revised Code:
(A) "Contract for invention development services" means a contract by which an invention developer undertakes invention development services for a customer.
(B) "Customer" means any person who enters into a contract for invention development services regarding an invention, except any person, other than an individual, who purchases invention development services as an adjunct to the traditional commercial enterprises in which it engages as a livelihood. "Customer" does not include a corporation.
(C) "Invention development services" means any act, including the evaluation, perfecting, marketing, brokering, or promoting of an invention, that is done by or for an invention developer in connection with the procurement or attempted procurement by the invention developer of a licensee or buyer of an intellectual property right in the invention.
(D) "Invention developer" means any person who offers to perform or performs for a customer any invention development services. "Invention developer" does not include any of the following:
(1) Any department or agency of the federal, state, or a local government;
(2) Any nonprofit, charitable, scientific, or educational organization that is tax exempt under section 501(a) and described in section 501(c)(3), or described in section 170(b)(1)(A), of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1954," 68A Stat. 3, 26 U.S.C. 1, as amended, or any nonprofit, scientific, or educational organization qualified under a state nonprofit organization statute;
(3) Any attorney acting within the scope of the attorney's professional license;
(4) Any person duly registered before the United States patent and trademark office acting within the scope of that person's professional license;
(5) Any person who does not charge a fee for invention development services other than any payment made from a portion of the income received by a customer by virtue of invention development services performed by the person. For the purposes of this division, "fee" includes any payment made by the customer to the person including reimbursement for expenditures made or costs incurred by the person.
(E) "Invention" means a discovery, process, machine, design, formulation, product, concept, or idea, or any combination of them, whether patentable or not.
Effective Date: 03-28-1985
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