Ohio Revised Code § 1509.10 - Well Log To Be Filed With Division - Contents - Form.

(A) Any person drilling within the state shall, within sixty days after the completion of drilling operations to the proposed total depth or after a determination that a well is a dry or lost hole, file with the division of oil and gas resources management all wireline electric logs and an accurate well completion record on a form that is prescribed by the chief of the division of oil and gas resources management that designates:

(1) The purpose for which the well was drilled;

(2) The character, depth, and thickness of geological units encountered, including coal seams, mineral beds, associated fluids such as fresh water, brine, and crude oil, natural gas, and sour gas, if such seams, beds, fluids, or gases are known;

(3) The dates on which drilling operations were commenced and completed;

(4) The types of drilling tools used and the name of the person that drilled the well;

(5) The length in feet of the various sizes of casing and tubing used in drilling the well, the amount removed after completion, the type and setting depth of each packer, all other data relating to cementing in the annular space behind such casing or tubing, and data indicating completion as a dry, gas, oil, combination oil and gas, brine injection, or artificial brine well or a stratigraphic test;

(6) The number of perforations in the casing and the intervals of the perforations;

(7) The elevation above mean sea level of the point from which the depth measurements were made, stating also the height of the point above ground level at the well, the total depth of the well, and the deepest geological unit that was penetrated in the drilling of the well;

(8) If applicable, the type, volume, and concentration of acid, and the date on which acid was used in acidizing the well;


(a) If applicable, the trade name and the total amount of all products, fluids, and substances, and the supplier of each product, fluid, or substance, not including cement and its constituents and lost circulation materials, intentionally added to facilitate the drilling of any portion of the well until the surface casing is set and properly sealed. The owner shall identify each additive used and provide a brief description of the purpose for which the additive is used. In addition, the owner shall include a list of all chemicals, not including any information that is designated as a trade secret pursuant to division (I)(1) of this section, intentionally added to all products, fluids, or substances and include each chemical's corresponding chemical abstracts service number and the maximum concentration of each chemical. The owner shall obtain the chemical information, not including any information that is designated as a trade secret pursuant to division (I)(1) of this section, from the company that drilled the well, provided service at the well, or supplied the chemicals. If the company that drilled the well, provided service at the well, or supplied the chemicals provides incomplete or inaccurate chemical information, the owner shall make reasonable efforts to obtain the required information from the company or supplier.

(b) For purposes of division (A)(9)(a) of this section, if recycled fluid was used, the total volume of recycled fluid and the well that is the source of the recycled fluid or the centralized facility that is the source of the recycled fluid.


(a) If applicable, the type and volume of fluid, not including cement and its constituents or information that is designated as a trade secret pursuant to division (I)(1) of this section, used to stimulate the reservoir of the well, the reservoir breakdown pressure, the method used for the containment of fluids recovered from the fracturing of the well, the methods used for the containment of fluids when pulled from the wellbore from swabbing the well, the average pumping rate of the well, and the name of the person that performed the well stimulation. In addition, the owner shall include a copy of the log from the stimulation of the well, a copy of the invoice for each of the procedures and methods described in division (A)(10) of this section that were used on a well, and a copy of the pumping pressure and rate graphs. However, the owner may redact from the copy of each invoice that is required to be included under division (A)(10) of this section the costs of and charges for the procedures and methods described in division (A)(10) of this section that were used on a well.

(b) If applicable, the trade name and the total volume of all products, fluids, and substances, and the supplier of each product, fluid, or substance used to stimulate the well. The owner shall identify each additive used, provide a brief description of the purpose for which the additive is used, and include the maximum concentration of the additive used. In addition, the owner shall include a list of all chemicals, not including any information that is designated as a trade secret pursuant to division (I)(1) of this section, intentionally added to all products, fluids, or substances and include each chemical's corresponding chemical abstracts service number and the maximum concentration of each chemical. The owner shall obtain the chemical information, not including any information that is designated as a trade secret pursuant to division (I)(1) of this section, from the company that stimulated the well or supplied the chemicals. If the company that stimulated the well or supplied the chemicals provides incomplete or inaccurate chemical information, the owner shall make reasonable efforts to obtain the required information from the company or supplier.

(c) For purposes of division (A)(10)(b) of this section, if recycled fluid was used, the total volume of recycled fluid and the well that is the source of the recycled fluid or the centralized facility that is the source of the recycled fluid.

(11) The name of the company that performed the logging of the well and the types of wireline electric logs performed on the well.

The well completion record shall be submitted in duplicate. The first copy shall be retained as a permanent record in the files of the division, and the second copy shall be transmitted by the chief to the division of geological survey.


(1) Not later than sixty days after the completion of the drilling operations to the proposed total depth, the owner shall file all wireline electric logs with the division of oil and gas resources management and the chief shall transmit such logs electronically, if available, to the division of geological survey. Such logs may be retained by the owner for a period of not more than six months, or such additional time as may be granted by the chief in writing, after the completion of the well substantially to the depth shown in the application required by section 1509.06 of the Revised Code.

(2) If a well is not completed within sixty days after the completion of drilling operations, the owner shall file with the division of oil and gas resources management a supplemental well completion record that includes all of the information required under this section within sixty days after the completion of the well.

(3) After a well is initially completed and stimulated and until the well is plugged, the owner shall report, on a form prescribed by the chief, all materials placed into the formation to refracture, restimulate, or newly complete the well. The owner shall submit the information within sixty days after completing the refracturing, restimulation, or new completion. In addition, the owner shall report the information required in divisions (A)(10)(a) to (c) of this section, as applicable, in a manner consistent with the requirements established in this section.

(C) Upon request in writing by the chief of the division of geological survey prior to the beginning of drilling of the well, the person drilling the well shall make available a complete set of cuttings accurately identified as to depth.

(D) The form of the well completion record required by this section shall be one that has been prescribed by the chief of the division of oil and gas resources management and the chief of the division of geological survey. The filing of a log as required by this section fulfills the requirement of filing a log with the chief of the division of geological survey in section 1505.04 of the Revised Code.

(E) If a material listed or designated under division (A)(9) or (10) or (B)(3) of this section is a material for which the division of oil and gas resources management does not have a material safety data sheet, the owner shall provide a copy of the material safety data sheet for the material to the chief.

(F) An owner shall submit to the chief the information that is required in divisions (A)(10)(b) and (c) and (B)(3) of this section consistent with the requirements established in this section using one of the following methods:

(1) On a form prescribed by the chief;

(2) Through the chemical disclosure registry that is maintained by the ground water protection council and the interstate oil and gas compact commission;

(3) Any other means approved by the chief.

(G) The chief shall post on the division's web site each material safety data sheet obtained under division (E) of this section. In addition, the chief shall make available through the division's web site the chemical information that is required by divisions (A)(9) and (10) and (B)(3) of this section.


(1) If a medical professional, in order to assist in the diagnosis or treatment of an individual who was affected by an incident associated with the production operations of a well, requests the exact chemical composition of each product, fluid, or substance and of each chemical component in a product, fluid, or substance that is designated as a trade secret pursuant to division (I) of this section, the person claiming the trade secret protection pursuant to that division shall provide to the medical professional the exact chemical composition of the product, fluid, or substance and of the chemical component in a product, fluid, or substance that is requested.

(2) A medical professional who receives information pursuant to division (H)(1) of this section shall keep the information confidential and shall not disclose the information for any purpose that is not related to the diagnosis or treatment of an individual who was affected by an incident associated with the production operations of a well. Nothing in division (H)(2) of this section precludes a medical professional from making any report required by law or professional ethical standards.


(1) The owner of a well who is required to submit a well completion record under division (A) of this section or a report under division (B)(3) of this section or a person that provides information to the owner as described in and for purposes of division (A)(9) or (10) or (B)(3) of this section may designate without disclosing on a form prescribed by the chief and withhold from disclosure to the chief the identity, amount, concentration, or purpose of a product, fluid, or substance or of a chemical component in a product, fluid, or substance as a trade secret. The owner or person may pursue enforcement of any rights or remedies established in sections 1333.61 to 1333.69 of the Revised Code for misappropriation, as defined in section 1333.61 of the Revised Code, with respect to the identity, amount, concentration, or purpose of a product, fluid, or substance or a chemical component in a product, fluid, or substance designated as a trade secret pursuant to division (I)(1) of this section. The division shall not disclose information regarding the identity, amount, concentration, or purpose of any product, fluid, or substance or of any chemical component in a product, fluid, or substance designated as a trade secret pursuant to division (I)(1) of this section.

(2) A property owner, an adjacent property owner, or any person or agency of this state having an interest that is or may be adversely affected by a product, fluid, or substance or by a chemical component in a product, fluid, or substance may commence a civil action in the court of common pleas of Franklin county against an owner or person described in division (I)(1) of this section challenging the owner's or person's claim to entitlement to trade secret protection for the specific identity, amount, concentration, or purpose of a product, fluid, or substance or of a chemical component in a product, fluid, or substance pursuant to division (I)(1) of this section. A person who commences a civil action pursuant to division (I)(2) of this section shall provide notice to the chief in a manner prescribed by the chief. In the civil action, the court shall conduct an in camera review of information submitted by an owner or person described in division (I)(1) of this section to determine if the identity, amount, concentration, or purpose of a product, fluid, or substance or of a chemical component in a product, fluid, or substance pursuant to division (I)(1) of this section is entitled to trade secret protection.


(1) Except for any information that is designated as a trade secret pursuant to division (I)(1) of this section and except as provided in division (J)(2) of this section, the owner of a well shall maintain records of all chemicals placed in a well for a period of not less than two years after the date on which each such chemical was placed in the well. The chief may inspect the records at any time concerning any such chemical.

(2) An owner or person who has designated the identity, amount, concentration, or purpose of a product, fluid, or substance or of a chemical component in a product, fluid, or substance as a trade secret pursuant to division (I)(1) of this section shall maintain the records for such a product, fluid, or substance or for a chemical component in a product, fluid, or substance for a period of not less than two years after the date on which each such product, fluid, or substance or each such chemical component in a product, fluid, or substance was placed in the well. Upon the request of the chief, the owner or person, as applicable, shall disclose the records to the chief if the information is necessary to respond to a spill, release, or investigation. However, the chief shall not disclose the information that is designated as a trade secret.


(1) For purposes of correcting inaccuracies and incompleteness in chemical information required by divisions (A)(9) and (10) and (B)(3) of this section, an owner shall be considered in substantial compliance if the owner has made reasonable efforts to obtain the required information from the supplier.

(2) For purposes of reporting under this section, an owner is not required to report chemicals that occur incidentally or in trace amounts.

(L) As used in this section, the term "material safety data sheet" shall conform to any revision of or change in the term by the occupational safety and health administration in the United States department of labor.

Amended by 130th General Assembly File No. 25, HB 59, §101.01, eff. 9/29/2013.

Amended by 129th General AssemblyFile No.125, SB 315, §101.01, eff. 9/10/2012.

Amended by 129th General AssemblyFile No.28, HB 153, §101.01, eff. 9/29/2011.

Amended by 128th General AssemblyFile No.27, SB 165, §1, eff. 6/30/2010.

Effective Date: 06-14-2000

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Last modified: October 10, 2016