Ohio Revised Code § 1710.061 - Application Of Savings Or Reductions In Demand By A Special Energy Improvement Project.

(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, an electric distribution utility may count toward its compliance with the energy efficiency and peak demand reduction requirements of section 4928.66 of the Revised Code any efficiency savings or reduction in demand produced by a special energy improvement project located in its certified territory.

(B) A mercantile customer that realizes energy efficiency savings or reduction in demand produced by a special energy improvement project that it owns may elect to commit the savings or reduction to the electric distribution utility in exchange for an exemption from an energy efficiency cost recovery mechanism permitted under section 4928.66 of the Revised Code, approved by the public utilities commission.

(C) The board of directors of a special improvement district shall submit a quarterly report to the electric distribution utility that includes, but is not limited to, both of the following:

(1) The total number and a description of each new and ongoing special energy improvement project located within the special improvement district that produces energy efficiency savings or reduction in demand;

(2) Any additional information that the electric distribution utility needs in order to obtain credit under section 4928.66 of the Revised Code for energy efficiency savings or reduction in demand from such projects.

Added by 128th General AssemblyFile No.48, SB 232, §1, eff. 6/17/2010.

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Last modified: October 10, 2016