Ohio Revised Code § 302.201 - Department Of Law - Duties Of Director Of Law.

If established under the provisions of Chapter 302. of the Revised Code, the department of law shall be administered by a director of law who shall be an attorney-at-law admitted to the practice of law in this state. The director of law shall serve as legal advisor to the board of county commissioners, the county executive, and the county departments, offices, and agencies responsible to the board and the county executive. The director of law shall give written opinions as to the law when specifically requested so to do by the board or the county executive, act as counsel for the board and the county executive in any proceeding instituted by or against the board or the county executive, and perform any other legal duties assigned by the board of county commissioners or the county executive.

Effective Date: 07-02-1967

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Last modified: October 10, 2016