Ohio Revised Code § 309.03 - Bond Of Prosecuting Attorney - Oath.

Before entering upon the discharge of his duties, the prosecuting attorney shall give a bond, signed by a bonding or surety company approved by the court of common pleas or the probate court and authorized to do business in this state, or, at his option, signed by two or more freeholders having real estate in the value of double the amount of the bond over and above all encumbrances to the state. Such bond shall be in a sum not less than one thousand dollars, to be fixed by the court of common pleas or the probate court and conditioned that such prosecuting attorney will faithfully discharge all the duties enjoined upon him by law, and pay over all moneys received by him in his official capacity. The expense or premium for such bond shall be paid by the board of county commissioners, and shall be charged to the general fund of the county. Such bond, with the approval of such court and the oath of office required by sections 3.22 and 3.23 of the Revised Code indorsed thereon, shall be deposited with the county treasurer.

Effective Date: 10-01-1953

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Last modified: October 10, 2016