Ohio Revised Code § 3317.064 - Auxiliary Services Mobile Unit Replacement And Repair Fund.

(A) There is hereby established in the state treasury the auxiliary services reimbursement fund. By the thirtieth day of January of each odd-numbered year, the director of job and family services and the superintendent of public instruction shall determine the amount of any excess moneys in the auxiliary services personnel unemployment compensation fund not reasonably necessary for the purposes of section 4141.47 of the Revised Code, and shall certify such amount to the director of budget and management for transfer to the auxiliary services reimbursement fund. If the director of job and family services and the superintendent disagree on such amount, the director of budget and management shall determine the amount to be transferred.

(B) Moneys in the auxiliary services reimbursement fund shall be used for the relocation or for the replacement and repair of mobile units used to provide the services specified in division (E), (F), (G), or (I) of section 3317.06 of the Revised Code. The state board of education shall adopt guidelines and procedures for replacement, repair, and relocation of mobile units and the procedures under which a school district may apply to receive moneys with which to repair or replace or relocate such units.

(C) School districts may apply to the department for moneys from the auxiliary services reimbursement fund for payment of incentives for early retirement and severance for school district personnel assigned to provide services authorized by section 3317.06 of the Revised Code at chartered nonpublic schools. The portion of the cost of any early retirement or severance incentive for any employee that is paid using money from the auxiliary services reimbursement fund shall not exceed the percentage of such employee's total service credit that the employee spent providing services to chartered nonpublic school students under section 3317.06 of the Revised Code.

Effective Date: 06-26-2003

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Last modified: October 10, 2016