Ohio Revised Code § 3317.13 - Minimum Salary Schedule For Teachers.

(A) As used in this section and section 3317.14 of the Revised Code:

(1) "Years of service" includes the following:

(a) All years of teaching service in the same school district or educational service center, regardless of training level, with each year consisting of at least one hundred twenty days under a teacher's contract;

(b) All years of teaching service in a chartered, nonpublic school located in Ohio as a teacher licensed pursuant to section 3319.22 of the Revised Code or in another public school, regardless of training level, with each year consisting of at least one hundred twenty days under a teacher's contract;

(c) All years of teaching service in a chartered school or institution or a school or institution that subsequently became chartered or a chartered special education program or a special education program that subsequently became chartered operated by the state or by a subdivision or other local governmental unit of this state as a teacher licensed pursuant to section 3319.22 of the Revised Code, regardless of training level, with each year consisting of at least one hundred twenty days; and

(d) All years of active military service in the armed forces of the United States, as defined in section 3307.75 of the Revised Code, to a maximum of five years. For purposes of this calculation, a partial year of active military service of eight continuous months or more in the armed forces shall be counted as a full year.

(2) "Teacher" means all teachers employed by the board of education of any school district, including any cooperative education or joint vocational school district and all teachers employed by any educational service center governing board.

(B) No teacher shall be paid a salary less than that provided in the schedule set forth in division (C) of this section. In calculating the minimum salary any teacher shall be paid pursuant to this section, years of service shall include the sum of all years of the teacher's teaching service included in divisions (A)(1)(a), (b), (c), and (d) of this section; except that any school district or educational service center employing a teacher new to the district or educational service center shall grant such teacher a total of not more than ten years of service pursuant to divisions (A)(1)(b), (c), and (d) of this section. Upon written complaint to the superintendent of public instruction that the board of education of a district or the governing board of an educational service center governing board has failed or refused to annually adopt a salary schedule or to pay salaries in accordance with the salary schedule set forth in division (C) of this section, the superintendent of public instruction shall cause to be made an immediate investigation of such complaint. If the superintendent finds that the conditions complained of exist, the superintendent shall order the board to correct such conditions within ten days from the date of the finding. No moneys shall be distributed to the district or educational service center under this chapter until the superintendent has satisfactory evidence of the board of education's full compliance with such order. Each teacher shall be fully credited with placement in the appropriate academic training level column in the district's or educational service center's salary schedule with years of service properly credited pursuant to this section or section 3317.14 of the Revised Code. No rule shall be adopted or exercised by any board of education or educational service center governing board which restricts the placement or the crediting of annual salary increments for any teacher according to the appropriate academic training level column.

(C) Minimum salaries exclusive of retirement and sick leave for teachers shall be as follows: Years of Service Teachers with less than Bachelor's Degree Teachers with a Bachelor's Degree Teachers with Five Years of Training but no Master's Degree Teachers with a Master's Degree or Higher Per Cent* Dollar Amount Per Cent* Dollar Amount Per Cent* Dollar Amount Per Cent* Dollar Amount

0 86.5 $17,300 100.0 $20,000 103.8 $20,760 109.5 $21,900

1 90.0 18,000 103.8 20,760 108.1 21,620 114.3 22,860

2 93.5 18,700 107.6 21,520 112.4 22,480 119.1 23,820

3 97.0 19,400 111.4 22,280 116.7 23,340 123.9 24,780

4 100.5 20,100 115.2 23,040 121.0 24,200 128.7 25,740

5 104.0 20,800 119.0 23,800 125.3 25,060 133.5 26,700

6 104.0 20,800 122.8 24,560 129.6 25,920 138.3 27,660

7 104.0 20,800 126.6 25,320 133.9 26,780 143.1 28,620

8 104.0 20,800 130.4 26,080 138.2 27,640 147.9 29,580

9 104.0 20,800 134.2 26,840 142.5 28,500 152.7 30,540

10 104.0 20,800 138.0 27,600 146.8 29,360 157.5 31,500

11 104.0 20,800 141.8 28,360 151.1 30,220 162.3 32,460

* Percentages represent the percentage which each salary is of the base amount. For purposes of determining the minimum salary at any level of training and service, the base of one hundred per cent shall be the base amount. The percentages used in this section show the relationships between the minimum salaries required by this section and the base amount and shall not be construed as requiring any school district or educational service center to adopt a schedule containing salaries in excess of the amounts set forth in this section for corresponding levels of training and experience. As used in this division:

(1) "Base amount" means twenty thousand dollars.

(2) "Five years of training" means at least one hundred fifty semester hours, or the equivalent, and a bachelor's degree from a recognized college or university.

(D) For purposes of this section, all credited training shall be from a recognized college or university.

Effective Date: 07-01-2001

Note: The amendment to this section by 129th General AssemblyFile No.10, SB 5, ยง1 was rejected by voters in the November, 2011 election.

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Last modified: October 10, 2016