Ohio Revised Code § 3345.121 - Notice To Legislative Authorities Of Educational Facility Construction Or Renovation - Comments Or Objections.

As used in this section:

(A) "Board of trustees" means the board of trustees of a state university, university housing commission, state medical university, community college district, university branch district, technical college district, or state community college.

(B) "Political subdivision" means a municipal corporation, county, or township.

(C) "Institution" means all real property owned or leased by a board of trustees. If a board owns or leases two or more parcels of real property that are not contiguous to any other such real property, institution includes only that group of parcels that includes the parcel on which the educational facility is or is to be located.

(D) "Educational facility" means any building, structure, facility, utility, improvement, site, or other interest in real estate, together with any appurtenance necessary or convenient to the uses thereof, to be used for or in connection with the conduct or operation of an educational institution. Educational facilities include, but are not limited to, classrooms and other instructional facilities, laboratories, research facilities, libraries, study facilities, administrative and office facilities, museums, gymnasiums, campus walks, drives, and site improvements, streets, roads, bridges, dormitories and other suitable living quarters or accommodations, dining halls and other food service and preparation facilities, student services or activity facilities, physical education, athletic and recreational facilities, theatres, auditoriums, assembly and exhibition halls, greenhouses, agricultural buildings and facilities, parking, storage, and maintenance facilities, infirmary, hospital, medical, and health facilities, continuing education facilities, communications, fire prevention, and fire fighting facilities, and any one, part of, or combination of the foregoing, whether or not comprising part of one building, structure, or facility.

(E) "Capital facilities" means buildings, structures, and other improvements, equipment, real estate, and interests in real estate within this state, and any one, part of, or combination of the foregoing, to serve the general purposes for which the political subdivision is authorized to issue obligations pursuant to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code, including, but not limited to, drives, roadways, parking facilities, walks, lighting, machinery, furnishings, utilities, landscaping, wharves, docks, piers, reservoirs, dams, tunnels, bridges, retaining walls, riprap, culverts, ditches, channels, watercourses, retention basins, standpipes and water storage facilities, waste treatment and disposal facilities, heating, air conditioning, and communications facilities, and site improvements.

(F) "Cost of capital facilities" means the costs of acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, rehabilitating, remodeling, renovating, enlarging, improving, equipping, or furnishing capital facilities, and the financing thereof, including the cost of clearance and preparation of the site and of any land to be used in connection with capital facilities, the cost of any indemnity and surety bonds and premiums on insurance, all related direct administrative expenses and allocable portions of direct costs of the facilities, cost of engineering and architectural services, designs, plans, specifications, surveys, and estimates of cost, legal fees, fees and expenses of trustees, depositories, and paying agents for the obligations, cost of issuance of the obligations and financing charges and fees and expenses of financial advisers and consultants in connection therewith, interest on obligations from the date thereof to the time when interest is to be covered from sources other than proceeds of obligations, amounts necessary to establish reserves as required by the bond proceedings, costs of audits, the reimbursement of all moneys advanced or applied by or borrowed from any governmental agency, from whatever source provided, for the payment of any items of cost of the capital facilities, and all other expenses necessary or incident to planning or determining feasibility or practicability with respect to capital facilities, and such other expenses as may be necessary or incident to the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, remodeling, renovation, enlargement, improvement, equipment, and furnishing of capital facilities, the financing thereof, and the placing of the same in use and operation, including any one, part of, or combination of such classes of costs and expenses.

(G) "Legislative authority" means, in the case of a municipal corporation, its legislative authority; in the case of a township, its board of trustees; and in the case of a county, its board of commissioners.

Not later than the ninetieth day after the effective date of an initial appropriation by the general assembly for the construction or renovation of an educational facility that exceeds one hundred thousand dollars, the board of trustees of the institution receiving the appropriation shall, by certified mail, return receipt requested, submit to the legislative authority of each political subdivision within which the institution is located or to which it is contiguous, a written notice of the board's intention to proceed with such construction or renovation. This notice shall include a description of the construction or renovation, the estimated date for opening bids therefor, and the estimated date of the completion of the construction or renovation.

Not later than the sixtieth day after it receives the notice, the legislative authority may, by certified mail, return receipt requested, forward its comments or objections on the proposed construction or renovation to the board, which shall include, but need not be limited to, a description of any capital facilities it determines the political subdivision will be required to make as a direct or indirect consequence of the construction or renovation and the estimated costs of such capital facilities. The board shall not advertise for bids for the construction or renovation until it has received comments or objections from the legislative authority or until sixty days have elapsed since the legislative authority received the notice, whichever is earlier. The board shall maintain as part of its permanent records, any comments or objections received from the legislative authority and any action taken by the board with respect to such comments or objections.

Amended by 129th General AssemblyFile No.18, HB 139, ยง1, eff. 4/29/2011.

Effective Date: 08-05-1981

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Last modified: October 10, 2016