Ohio Revised Code § 3379.10 - Per Cent For Arts Program - Definitions.

(A) Recognizing this state's responsibility to foster culture and the arts and to encourage the development of artists and craftspersons, the general assembly declares it a policy of this state that a portion of the money to be spent by state agencies on the construction or renovation of public buildings be spent on the acquisition of works of art to be placed in or on such buildings. In pursuit of this policy, there is hereby established the per cent for arts program, under which quality works of art are to be sold to such agencies by the Ohio arts council and, in the process, qualified professional artists are to be recognized.

(B) As used in this section:

(1) "Appropriation" does not include a reappropriation.

(2) "Proceeds" does not include the proceeds of bonds, notes, or other obligations issued in anticipation of the issuance of, or to refund, other bonds, notes, or other obligations.

(3) "Public building" means any building, facility, structure, or park built or renovated using state money, including any publicly owned lands or space surrounding or integral to the building, facility, structure, or park but not including:

(a) Parking lots, sidewalks, maintenance sheds, bridges, tunnels, sewers, trails, fishponds and fishways, or warehouses, unless such structures are adjuncts of the principal element of the project;

(b) Buildings of a temporary nature;

(c) Projects to correct any deficiencies or violations of a building or housing code enacted by law;

(d) Highway construction.

(4) "Renovation" does not include a project of which the principal purpose is the rehabilitation of plumbing, heating, ventilating, air conditioning, or electrical systems.

(5) "State agency" has the same meaning as in section 1.60 of the Revised Code and includes a state university or college, a community college established under Chapter 3354. of the Revised Code, or a technical college established under Chapter 3357. of the Revised Code.

(6) "Work of art" includes all forms of original creations of visual art, including, but not limited to:

(a) Paintings, including all media and both portable and permanently affixed works of art such as murals;

(b) Sculpture, including bas-relief, high relief, mobile, fountain, kinetic, environmental, electronic, and in-the-round sculpture;

(c) Prints, calligraphy, clay, drawings, stained glass, mosaics, photographs, fiber and textiles, wood, metal, plastics, and other materials or combination of materials;

(d) Mixed media, including any combination of forms of media.

(C) Except as otherwise provided in division (D) of this section, whenever more than four million dollars of state money, whether obtained from the sale of bonds or otherwise, is to be spent by a state agency on the construction or renovation of a public building, the agency that contracts for the construction or renovation, consistent with division (G) of this section, shall contract with the council to use one per cent of the state money appropriated for the project or, if applicable, one per cent of the nonappropriated state proceeds of bonds, notes, or other obligations authorized to be sold for the project, to purchase works of art from the council for display in or on the public building and to make related outlays under division (E) of this section. The council, subject to the approval of the director of budget and management, shall fix the prices at which it sells works of art for the project to the state agency contracting for construction or renovation. The calculation of whether more than four million dollars is to be spent shall not be cumulative but shall be based on the amount of each appropriation or each designation of nonappropriated state proceeds of bonds, notes, or other obligations authorized to be sold for a project.


(1) Notwithstanding division (C) of this section, the director of budget and management, after consulting with the council about the matter, may determine that no state money, or a percentage less than one per cent of the amount specified in that division, shall be spent to purchase works of art from the council and to make related outlays under division (E) of this section if the director of budget and management feels that works of art would be out of place in or on the public building, that there will be little opportunity for public appreciation of works of art in or on the public building, that the value of some features or characteristics inherent in the architectural design of the public building should apply toward the one per cent requirement, or that the public building is or will be amply supplied with works of art even without works of art purchased from the council under division (C) of this section. The director shall make all final decisions with regard to whether and to what extent a construction or renovation project is subject to division (C) or (D) of this section.

(2) Not later than forty-five days after the effective date of a section of an act providing that more than four million dollars of state money is to be spent by a state agency on the construction or renovation of a public building, the director of budget and management shall prepare a preliminary report listing each appropriation and each designation of nonappropriated state proceeds of more than four million dollars for the construction or renovation of a public building, and indicating the amount of the appropriation or designation that shall be spent for the per cent for arts program. The amount specified to be spent for the per cent for arts program amount shall take into account any determination made by the director under division (D)(1) of this section. The director shall send a copy of the preliminary report to the council and to each state agency that received an appropriation or nonappropriated state proceeds of more than four million dollars for the construction or renovation of a public building under the act.

(3) Not later than thirty days after the director sends the preliminary report required under division (D)(2) of this section, a state agency may deliver to the director of budget and management a request for the director to make a determination under division (D)(1) of this section or to reconsider a determination made under that division. If the director approves the request, the director shall revise the preliminary report consistent with the approved request. Not later than forty-five days after sending a preliminary report, the director shall send a final report to the council and to each state agency referred to in division (D)(2) of this section.


(1) Where appropriated state money will be used to purchase works of art from the council under division (C) or (D) of this section, the state agency that has contracted to purchase the works of art shall make payment to the council for the works of art and related costs as follows:

(a) The state agency shall encumber sufficient money to pay for the purchase and installation of the works of art and shall authorize the council to make payments against those encumbrances for the purchase and installation of the works of art. The council shall use the encumbered money to acquire and install the works of art.

(b) If the council expects to make expenditures in connection with the selection of artists for a specific project, including expenditures for printing or for jurors, the council shall estimate the amount of such expenditures it expects to make and certify that amount to the state agency and to the director of budget and management. Upon determining that there is an unobligated balance in an appropriation for the state agency that may be used for the purpose, the director of budget and management shall transfer the amount certified from the appropriation to the per cent for art acquisitions fund, which is hereby created in the state treasury, on an intrastate transfer voucher. The fund shall be used by the council to pay costs it incurs in connection with the selection of artists for specific projects, including costs for printing and for jurors. All amounts encumbered or transferred under division (E)(1)(a) or (b) of this section shall be applied toward the percentage requirement of division (C) or (D) of this section.

(2) Where nonappropriated state proceeds of bonds, notes, or other obligations will be used to purchase works of art from the council under division (C) or (D) of this section, the state agency that has contracted to purchase the works of art shall make payment to the council for the works of art and related costs as follows:

(a) The council shall submit to the state agency invoices requesting payment for the purchase and installation of the works of art.

(b) If the council expects to make expenditures in connection with the selection of artists for a specific project, including expenditures for printing or for jurors, the council shall estimate the amount of such expenditures it expects to make and submit to the state agency invoices requesting payment in that amount. The state agency shall promptly remit payment to the council in the amounts of all such invoices. Such remittances shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the per cent for art acquisitions fund. All amounts remitted under this division shall be applied toward the percentage requirement of division (C) or (D) of this section.

(F) The council shall consult with the chief executive officer, or the officer's designee, of either the state agency spending state money on the construction or renovation or the state agency or agencies occupying or to occupy a public building for which the council will supply a work of art, or both, before making decisions about the following:

(1) Which works of art will be purchased and on which sites they will be placed;

(2) Which artists, if any, will be commissioned to create a work of art;

(3) The sale, exchange, and disposition of works of art used in the program.

(G) The council shall make all final decisions in regard to the matters described in divisions (F)(1) to (3) of this section.

(H) Each state agency that has purchased works of art from the council under division (C) or (D) of this section shall maintain the works of art and pay the costs of maintenance. Money spent by the agency for maintenance of the works of art shall not be applied toward the percentage requirement of division (C) or (D) of this section.

Effective Date: 03-18-1999

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Last modified: October 10, 2016