Ohio Revised Code § 5511.04 - Roads For Conservancy Districts.

The director of transportation may relocate and for that purpose construct or reconstruct the relocated portions of all roads, highways, and streets, within, leading through, or adjacent to any lands owned by a conservancy district organized under Chapter 6101. of the Revised Code or lands on which any conservancy district has a flood easement, construction easement, or right-of-way.

The director may cooperate in the construction, reconstruction, improvement, repair, and maintenance of roads leading from a state highway to any public park, forest preserve, or recreational area, or within the boundary of any public park, forest preserve, or recreational area, under the control and custody of a conservancy district.

The director shall confer with the board of directors of a conservancy district upon the construction, reconstruction, location, or relocation of any roads or highways that must be in conformity with the general engineering plans of the district.

With respect to any such road improvement projects, the director may, upon the terms mutually agreed between the director and the board of the district, in view of the benefits to be derived, enter into any contracts with the district as may be necessary or convenient to carry out the general plans of the district.

The costs of the improvements shall be paid in the same manner as for a state highway improvement, provided the expenditures in any one year shall not exceed two hundred thousand dollars.

This section does not derogate or limit the powers of the director to add additional mileage to the state highway system.

This section does not derogate or limit the power and authority conferred upon a district and its board by Chapter 6101. of the Revised Code.

Effective Date: 09-21-2000

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Last modified: October 10, 2016