Ohio Revised Code § 5523.15 - Co-operation By Municipal Corporations.

A municipal corporation may co-operate with the department of transportation in the abolishment of railway grade crossings and the construction or reconstruction of bridges and viaducts within such municipal corporation, and may pay such portion of the cost of any such work as is agreed upon between the legislative authority of such municipal corporation and the director of transportation. The legislative authority of any municipal corporation desiring to co-operate as above, may, by resolution, propose such co-operation to the director, and a copy of such resolution, which shall set forth the proportion of the cost and expense to be contributed by the municipal corporation, shall be filed with the director. The subsequent proceedings shall be conducted as provided in sections 5521.01 to 5521.11 of the Revised Code. For the purpose of providing funds to pay the proportion of the cost of such work assumed by any municipal corporation, the legislative authority thereof may levy taxes and issue bonds as in cases of similar improvements constructed under the exclusive jurisdiction and control of the municipal corporation.

Effective Date: 09-28-1973

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Last modified: October 10, 2016