Ohio Revised Code Chapter 5501 - Department Of Transportation
- Section 5501.01 - Department Of Transportation Definitions.
As used in Chapters 5501., 5503., 5511., 5513., 5515., 5516., 5517., 5519., 5521., 5523., 5525., 5527., 5528., 5529., 5531., 5533., and 5535. of the...
- Section 5501.02 - Director Of Transportation To Prescribe Rules And Appoint Employees.
All duties, powers, and functions conferred by law on the department of transportation and the divisions of the department shall be performed under such...
- Section 5501.03 - Department Of Transportation - Powers And Duties.
(A) The department of transportation shall: (1) Exercise and perform such other duties, powers, and functions as are conferred by law on the director,...
- Section 5501.031 - Energy Conservation In Planning, Design, And Utilization Of Transportation Facilities.
The department of transportation shall: (A) Consider energy conservation as an integral factor along with economics, engineering, safety, and the environment in the planning,...
- Section 5501.04 - Distribution Of Duties, Powers, And Functions Of The Department; Deputy Directors.
Pursuant to section 5501.02 of the Revised Code, the director of transportation shall distribute the duties, powers, and functions of the department among the...
- Section 5501.05 - Prohibiting Use Of Highway Funds For Non-highway Purposes.
Moneys appropriated to the department of transportation and derived from fees, excises, or license taxes relating to the registration, operation, or use of vehicles...
- Section 5501.051 - Transfer Of Realty To Municipality For Health Care Services.
Notwithstanding section 5501.05 of the Revised Code, real property purchased with money appropriated to the department of transportation may be transferred to a municipality...
- Section 5501.06 - Department Of Transportation Succeeds To Rights And Duties Of Department Of Highways.
(A) For the purpose of succession to all duties, powers, and functions transferred, and of the conduct and completion of matters relating thereto, the...
- Section 5501.07 - Office Of Public Transportation Of Division Of Multi-modal Planning And Programs.
In addition to those duties, powers, and functions the director of transportation assigns to it, the office of transit: (A) May issue grants from...
- Section 5501.071 - Deposit Of Public Transportation Program Funds To Highway Operating Fund.
All funds received by the department of transportation from federal, local, or private sources for the purpose of carrying out public transportation programs shall...
- Section 5501.08 - Metrics For Statewide Strategic Transportation Planning.
The department of transportation, in order to assist in statewide strategic transportation planning, shall develop metrics that allow the comparison of data across transportation...
- Section 5501.09 - [Repealed].
Repealed by 129th General AssemblyFile No.127, HB 487, ยง105.01, eff. 9/10/2012. Effective Date: 2008 HB562 09-22-2008
- Section 5501.10 - Classification And Prioritization Of New Construction Plans And Contracts.
Within three months of the effective date of this act, the department of transportation shall establish a written policy for the classification and prioritization...
- Section 5501.101 - Amended And Renumbered Rc 5501.18.
Effective Date: 09-28-1973
- Section 5501.11 - Department Of Transportation With Respect To Highways.
(A) The functions of the department of transportation with respect to highways shall be to do all of the following: (1) Establish state highways...
- Section 5501.111, 5501.112 - Amended And Renumbered Rc 5501.32, 5501.33.
Effective Date: 06-21-1990
- Section 5501.113, 5501.114, 5501.115, 55 - Amended And Renumbered Rc 5501.34, 5501.35, 5501.36, 5501.37.
Effective Date: 07-01-1985
- Section 5501.117 - Amended And Renumbered Rc 5501.38.
Effective Date: 06-30-1997
- Section 5501.12 - Chief Engineer.
The director of transportation shall appoint a chief engineer, who shall be a registered professional engineer and who shall serve at the pleasure of...
- Section 5501.13 - [Repealed].
Effective Date: 09-17-1996
- Section 5501.14 - Division Of State Into Districts - District Deputy Directors.
The director of transportation shall divide the state into not exceeding twelve districts and give to each district an appropriate number or name. Each...
- Section 5501.15 - [Repealed].
Effective Date: 06-30-1991
- Section 5501.16 - Chief Clerk And Secretaries.
The director of transportation may appoint a chief clerk, who shall be exempt from civil service requirements or regulations. The director may appoint a...
- Section 5501.161, 5501.162, 5501.163 - Amended And Renumbered Rc 5501.44, 5501.45, 5501.46.
Effective Date: 09-28-1973
- Section 5501.17 - Assistants To Prepare Plans And Surveys - Contracts With Planning Commissions.
The director of transportation may employ such assistants as are necessary to prepare plans and surveys. Compensation paid for the preparation of plans, surveys,...
- Section 5501.18 - [Repealed].
Effective Date: 06-29-2001
- Section 5501.19 - [Repealed].
Effective Date: 09-16-1998
- Section 5501.20 - Department Of Transportation Business Plan.
(A) As used in this section: (1) "Career professional service" means that part of the competitive classified service that consists of employees of the...
- Section 5501.21 - Department Seal - Records, Documents - Deposition Of Director.
The director of transportation shall provide a seal of the department of transportation, which shall be inscribed: "State of Ohio, Department of Transportation." Copies...
- Section 5501.22 - Actions Against Director.
The director of transportation shall not be suable, either as a sole defendant or jointly with other defendants, in any court outside Franklin county...
- Section 5501.23 - Lectures By Director.
The director of transportation, either in person or through a representative of the department of transportation, may accept invitations to give addresses or lectures...
- Section 5501.24 - Director May Call Conference.
The director of transportation may call into conference any employee of the department of transportation or the officials of any county, township, or municipal...
- Section 5501.25 - Bond Of Employees.
Each employee or appointee under Chapters 5501., 5503., 5511., 5512. , 5513., 5515., 5516., 5517., 5519., 5521., 5523., 5525., 5527., 5528., 5529., 5531., 5533.,...
- Section 5501.26 - [Repealed].
Effective Date: 12-02-1996
- Section 5501.27 - Increased Penalties For Traffic Violations In Construction Zone.
(A) The director of transportation shall adopt rules that do the following: (1) Rules governing the posting of signs advising motorists that increased penalties...
- Section 5501.31 - Director Of Transportation - Powers And Duties.
The director of transportation shall have general supervision of all roads comprising the state highway system. The director may alter, widen, straighten, realign, relocate,...
- Section 5501.311 - Leases Or Lease-purchase Of Transportation Facilities.
(A) Notwithstanding sections 123.01 and 127.16 of the Revised Code the director of transportation may lease or lease-purchase all or any part of a...
- Section 5501.312 - Contracts For Use Or Service Of Transportation Facility.
(A) The director of transportation may do all of the following: (1) Contract in the manner provided by this section with one or more...
- Section 5501.32 - Purchase Of Real Property For Highway Purposes.
The director of transportation may purchase property in fee simple in the name of the state by warranty deed, and all or any part...
- Section 5501.33 - Accepting Donations Of Real Property.
At any time during the development of a highway project, subject to section 5501.331 of the Revised Code, the owner of an interest in...
- Section 5501.331 - Deed For Donated Property.
If an interest in real property is donated under section 5501.33 of the Revised Code before adoption of an environmental document prepared by the...
- Section 5501.332 - Deed Releasing Donated Property.
Upon the occurrence of the condition stated in a deed pursuant to division (C) of section 5501.331 of the Revised Code, the director of...
- Section 5501.34 - Selling Real Property No Longer Required For Highway Purposes.
(A) If circumstances alter the highway requirements after the director of transportation has acquired property so that the real property or part of the...
- Section 5501.35, 5501.36 - [Repealed].
Effective Date: 07-01-1985
- Section 5501.37 - [Repealed].
Effective Date: 04-05-2001
- Section 5501.38 - Reusing Petroleum Contaminated Sands, Gravel And Soils As Highway Construction Materials.
The director of transportation has determined that it is feasible to use in the construction of highways sands, gravel, and soils that contain varying...
- Section 5501.39 - Research Laboratory.
The director of transportation shall maintain a laboratory of research and tests and employ qualified personnel to conduct research pertaining to materials, supplies, and...
- Section 5501.40 - Housing And Care Of Equipment.
The director of transportation may secure suitable buildings for housing, storing, caring for, and keeping in repair, automobiles, motor trucks, road machinery, and other...
- Section 5501.41 - Removal Of Snow And Ice.
The director of transportation may remove snow and ice from state highways, purchase the necessary equipment including snow fences, employ the necessary labor, and...
- Section 5501.42 - Supervision Of Trees And Shrubs.
The director of transportation shall have supervision and control of all trees and shrubs within the limits of a state highway. The department of...
- Section 5501.43 - Contracts In Name Of State.
Any contract made by the director of transportation under Chapters 4561., 5501., 5503., 5511., 5513., 5515., 5516., 5517., 5519., 5521., 5523., 5525., 5527., 5528.,...
- Section 5501.44 - Cooperative Agreements For Repair Of Bridges And Regional Traffic Management Systems.
(A) (1) Notwithstanding section 5735.27 of the Revised Code, the director of transportation, when the director determines it in the interest of the welfare...
- Section 5501.45 - Conveyance Of Lands Not Needed For Highway Or Recreation Purposes.
(A) The director of transportation may convey or transfer the fee simple estate or any lesser estate or interest in, or permit the use...
- Section 5501.451 - Leasing State Lands For Erecting Advertising Devices.
In accordance with section 5501.45 of the Revised Code, the director of transportation shall implement a program allowing, by lease or permit, the use...
- Section 5501.46 - Conveying Land To Department Of Transportation By Other State Agencies And Political Subdivisions.
Notwithstanding section 9.70 and Chapters 123., 339., 501., 511., 721., 723., 747., 749., 759., 903., 3301., 3313., 3337., 3339., 3341., 3343., 3349., and 3375....
- Section 5501.47 - Bridge Inspections.
(A) The director of transportation is responsible for inspection of all bridges on the state highway system inside and outside of municipalities, all bridges...
- Section 5501.48 - Toll Bridge Inspection.
The operator of a toll bridge located entirely or partly in the state shall inspect such bridge each year and file a copy of...
- Section 5501.49 - Lift Bridge Inspection.
(A) The director of transportation is responsible for the construction, reconstruction, major maintenance and repair, and operation of all bridges located on the state...
- Section 5501.50 - Leases Of Real Property Not Immediately Needed For Highway Purposes For Agricultural Purposes.
(A) As used in this section, "agricultural purposes" means commercial animal or poultry husbandry, or the production for a commercial purpose of field crops,...
- Section 5501.51 - Reimbursing Utility For Facilities Relocated By Highway Project.
(A) The state shall reimburse a utility for the cost of relocation of utility facilities necessitated by the construction of a highway project only...
- Section 5501.511 - [Repealed].
Effective Date: 06-30-1995
- Section 5501.52 - Annual Reports Summarizing State And Federal Money Spent On Highway Projects.
Not later than the thirty-first day of December of each year, the Ohio department of transportation shall submit reports to the president of the...
- Section 5501.53 - Private Contribution Money To Support Highways And Roads Used By Animal-drawn Vehicles.
(A) Any organization, individual, or group of individuals may give to the state or to any county or township by way of private contribution...
- Section 5501.55 - Overseeing Safety Practices Of Rail Fixed Guideway Systems.
(A) The department of transportation is the designated state agency responsible for overseeing the safety practices of rail fixed guideway systems and the administration...
- Section 5501.56 - System Safety Program Plan.
(A) Each transit agency shall do all of the following: (1) Develop a system safety program documentation that complies with the safety program documentation...
- Section 5501.57 - Amended And Renumbered Rc 4981.032.
Effective Date: 10-20-1994
- Section 5501.58, 5501.59 - [Repealed].
Effective Date: 10-20-1994
- Section 5501.60 - [Repealed].
Effective Date: 03-17-1989
- Section 5501.61 - Amended And Renumbered Rc 5501.59.
Effective Date: 03-17-1989
- Section 5501.62, 5501.63 - [Repealed].
Effective Date: 03-17-1989
- Section 5501.70 - Definitions For Orc Sections To 5501.83.
As used in sections 5501.70 to 5501.83 of the Revised Code: (A) "Affected jurisdiction" means any unit of government within the state in which...
- Section 5501.71 - Authority For Department Of Transportation To Enter Public-private Initiative; Solicitation And Selection.
(A) The department of transportation may solicit, receive, consider, evaluate, and accept a proposal for a public-private initiative. (B) In soliciting and selecting a...
- Section 5501.72 - Unsolicited Proposals.
(A) The department of transportation may receive, consider, evaluate, and accept an unsolicited proposal for a public-private initiative if the proposal meets all of...
- Section 5501.73 - Public-private Agreement.
(A) After selecting a solicited or unsolicited proposal for a public-private initiative, the department of transportation shall enter into a public-private agreement for a...
- Section 5501.74 - Termination Of Public-private Agreement.
In the event of termination of the public-private agreement, the authority and duties of the operator cease, except for any duties and obligations that...
- Section 5501.75 - Material Default By Operator.
(A) Upon the occurrence and during the continuation of material default by an operator, not related to an event of force majeure, the department...
- Section 5501.76 - Issuance Of Obligations.
Obligations may be issued under section 5531.10 of the Revised Code for the purpose of providing funds to carry out sections 5501.70 to 5501.83...
- Section 5501.77 - Powers Of Department.
(A) For the purposes of carrying out sections 5501.70 to 5501.83 of the Revised Code, the department of transportation may do all of the...
- Section 5501.78 - Exemption From Ad Valorem Property Taxes And Special Assessments.
A transportation facility and any tangible personal property used exclusively with a transportation facility that is owned by the department of transportation and leased,...
- Section 5501.79 - Acquisition Of Property.
The department of transportation, in the same manner and for the same transportation purposes established in section 5519.01 of the Revised Code, may acquire...
- Section 5501.80 - Law Enforcement Officers; Powers.
All law enforcement officers of the state and of an affected local jurisdiction shall have the same powers and jurisdiction within the limits of...
- Section 5501.81 - Crossing Or Relocation Of Facility.
An operator under sections 5501.70 to 5501.83 of the Revised Code and any utility whose facility is to be crossed or relocated shall cooperate...
- Section 5501.82 - Sovereign Immunity.
Nothing in sections 5501.70 to 5501.83 of the Revised Code shall be construed or deemed to affect any waiver of the sovereign immunity of...
- Section 5501.83 - Adoption Of Rules.
The department of transportation may adopt rules under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code to carry out sections 5501.70 to 5501.83 of the Revised...
Last modified: October 10, 2016