Ohio Revised Code § 6115.32 - Notice Of Hearing Of Land To Be Included Or Excluded From District.

If the report of the board of appraisers of a sanitary district includes recommendations that other lands be included in the district, or that certain lands be excluded from the district, the clerk of the court before which the proceeding is pending shall give notice to the owners of such property by publication to be made as provided for a hearing on the petition for the creation of the district. Such notice to those owners whose lands are to be added to the district may be substantially as shown in division (D) of section 6115.79 of the Revised Code. The time and place of the hearing may be the same as those of the hearing on appraisals. To the owners of property to be excluded from the district it will be sufficient to notify them of that fact.

Effective Date: 07-08-1993

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Last modified: October 10, 2016