Ohio Revised Code § 742.375 - Credit For Time Served In State Highway Patrol Retirement System.

Except for service credit transferred under section 742.214 of the Revised Code, a member of the fund who is in the active service of a police or fire department, is not receiving a pension or benefit payment from the Ohio police and fire pension fund, and is not a participant in the deferred retirement option plan established under section 742.43 of the Revised Code shall, in computing years of active service in such department under division (C) of section 742.37 or section 742.39 of the Revised Code, be given full credit for the time served in the state highway patrol retirement system, provided such member pays into the Ohio police and fire pension fund the amount received by the member under section 5505.19 of the Revised Code, with interest compounded annually thereon at a rate to be determined by the board of trustees of the Ohio police and fire pension fund from the date of such receipt to the date of such deposit. The member may choose to purchase only part of such credit in any one payment, subject to board rules.

Upon certification by the board to the board of the state highway patrol retirement system of such payment by the member of the fund, the state highway patrol retirement board shall pay from the employer's accumulation fund under division (C) of section 5505.03 of the Revised Code to the Ohio police and fire pension fund an amount equal to the payment of the member of the fund.

Effective Date: 03-24-2003

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Last modified: October 10, 2016