(A) All bottling plants and flavor manufacturing plants shall be well lighted, drained, plumbed, and ventilated, and shall be kept in a sanitary condition, with adequate provision for the exclusion of vermin and flies or other insects.
(B) Any portion of a building used as a "bottling plant" or "flavor manufacturing plant" shall be used for no other purpose and shall be located so that it is free from contaminating surroundings. The syrup room of such bottling plant shall be separately enclosed, shall be well ventilated and lighted, shall be provided with a sink and with running hot and cold water, shall be protected against vermin, flies, dirt, and dust, and shall be so constructed as to be easily cleaned.
(C) All bottling plants and all flavor manufacturing plants shall be provided with adequate toilet facilities, which shall be of sanitary construction and shall be separate and apart from any room used for the manufacture, bottling, or dispensing of such products.
(D) Every bottling plant shall be equipped with mechanical container-washing apparatus and machinery, and with mechanical and sanitary machines for bottling and for carbonating if carbonated soft drinks are manufactured in such plant.
(E) All machines, apparatus, vessels, fountains, tanks, or other equipment, caps, and ingredients used in the manufacture of soft drinks or soft drink flavors shall be kept in a sanitary condition. No vessels or tanks shall be used for syrup mixing or for storing such mixed syrup unless they are of glass or stainless steel, porcelain lined, block tin lined, or made of some other suitable impervious material.
(F) All closable containers in which soft drinks are sold or dispensed shall be washed or rinsed immediately before filling and shall be sanitary. All reusable closable containers, except siphons and soda tanks used in the manufacture or bottling of soft drinks, immediately before being filled, shall be exposed to a three per cent alkali solution of which not less than sixty per cent is caustic (sodium hydroxide), for a period of not less than five minutes at a temperature of not less than one hundred thirty degrees Fahrenheit, or to an equivalent cleansing and sterilizing process, and then thoroughly rinsed in safe potable water until free from alkali or sodium hydroxide.
(G) No employer shall knowingly permit, require, or suffer any person to work in an establishment where soft drinks or soft drink flavors are bottled or dispensed, who is afflicted with any contagious, venereal, or infectious disease, or with a skin disease.
(H) Bottling plants shall be located in buildings so constructed that the bottling operation is performed in separate rooms, but such construction shall allow for modern practices in the loading or unloading of trucks in the same rooms, and for modern practices in the use of conveyor systems or other means of mechanical handling. This requirement does not apply to bottling plants which have been located continuously in the same building before and since August 1, 1949, unless major structural changes were made in said building after such date.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953
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