(A) Chapter 918. of the Revised Code does not apply to any of the following:
(1) A person who slaughters or prepares animals on his farm, or has animals slaughtered or prepared for his personal or family use and sells no meat products of such animals;
(2) A retail dealer or retail butcher who sells only meat or meat products that have been inspected in compliance with Chapter 918. of the Revised Code, directly to household consumers in retail stores;
(3) Any establishment that is subject to federal inspection.
(B) Only the requirement for licensure and the provisions of sections 918.01 to 918.11 of the Revised Code relating to sanitation, adulteration, misbranding, and use of the official mark, apply to both of the following:
(1) A person who operates an establishment to slaughter or prepare animals only for persons exempted under division (A)(1) of this section;
(2) A retail dealer or retail butcher who sells only meat or meat products, which have been inspected in compliance with sections 918.01 to 918.11 of the Revised Code, and whose operation or sales are other than those traditionally and usually conducted at retail stores or restaurants as prescribed by rules.
(C) Each establishment licensed under division (A) of section 918.08 of the Revised Code is exempt from any local ordinances, rules, or regulations pertaining to the inspection and sale of animals, carcasses, and meat products, or subjects relating thereto.
(D) Each establishment licensed under division (A) of section 918.08 of the Revised Code is exempt from the license required under section 915.15 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 06-20-1994
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