Ohio Revised Code § 924.41 - Scope Of Agricultural Marketing Agreements.

A marketing agreement that is executed in compliance with and pursuant to sections 924.40 to 924.45 of the Revised Code for the purpose of the voluntary participation of persons who are signatories to the agreement may provide for the establishment and regulation of one or more of the following:

(A) Standards of production for an agricultural commodity, including growing and handling practices, provided that the standards are equivalent to or more stringent than standards of production for that agricultural commodity that are established in the laws of this state or federal law;

(B) Standards for the establishment and use of a logo, trademark, or brand associated with an agricultural commodity, provided that the standards do not violate the laws of this state or federal law;

(C) Collection of fees for services provided pursuant to the marketing agreement;

(D) Any other topic that the director of agriculture may allow by rule.

Added by 129th General AssemblyFile No.144, SB 309, §1, eff. 12/26/2012.

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Last modified: October 10, 2016