Oregon Statutes - Chapter 177 - Secretary of State - Section 177.130 - Fees of the Secretary of State.

(1) The Secretary of State shall establish a schedule of fees to be charged in the office of the Secretary of State for furnishing a copy of, recording, or certifying and affixing the state seal to any document; for issuing certificates of official character; and for affixing the state seal to and countersigning or attesting any document issued by the Governor. The fees shall be reasonably calculated to reimburse the office for the cost thereof. No fee, however, shall be charged for affixing the state seal and countersigning or attesting pardons, commutations, paroles, military commissions, extradition papers, certificates of election to state and district officers and commissions and appointments under which the appointee receives no compensation.

(2) No member of the legislature or state officer shall be charged any fee for any certificate or certified copy relative to the official duties of the member or officer.

(3) This section does not apply to any commission issued by the Governor. [Amended by 1961 c.350 §1; 1975 c.720 §1; 1981 c.11 §3]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008