Oregon Statutes - Chapter 19 - Appeals - Section 19.345 - Enforcement of judgment in contract action notwithstanding appeal.

If the judgment has been given in an action or suit upon a contract, notwithstanding an appeal and supersedeas undertaking, the respondent may proceed to enforce such judgment, if within 10 days from the time the appeal is perfected the respondent files with the trial court administrator an undertaking to the effect that if the judgment is reversed or modified the respondent will make such restitution as the appellate court may direct. Such undertaking may be excepted to by the appellant in like manner and with like effect as the undertaking of an appellant, and the sureties therein shall have the same qualifications. [Formerly 19.060; 1999 c.367 §12; 2003 c.576 §281]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008