Oregon Statutes - Chapter 197 - Comprehensive Land Use Planning Coordination - Section 197.480 - Planning for parks; procedures; inventory.

(1) Each city and county governing body shall provide, in accordance with urban growth management agreements, for mobile home or manufactured dwelling parks as an allowed use, by July 1, 1990, or by the next periodic review after January 1, 1988, whichever comes first:

(a) By zoning ordinance and by comprehensive plan designation on buildable lands within urban growth boundaries; and

(b) In areas planned and zoned for a residential density of six to 12 units per acre sufficient to accommodate the need established pursuant to subsections (2) and (3) of this section.

(2) A city or county shall establish a projection of need for mobile home or manufactured dwelling parks based on:

(a) Population projections;

(b) Household income levels;

(c) Housing market trends of the region; and

(d) An inventory of mobile home or manufactured dwelling parks sited in areas planned and zoned or generally used for commercial, industrial or high density residential development.

(3) The inventory required by subsection (2)(d) and subsection (4) of this section shall establish the need for areas to be planned and zoned to accommodate the potential displacement of the inventoried mobile home or manufactured dwelling parks.

(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, a city or county within a metropolitan service district, established pursuant to ORS chapter 268, shall inventory the mobile home or manufactured dwelling parks sited in areas planned and zoned or generally used for commercial, industrial or high density residential development no later than two years from September 27, 1987.

(5)(a) A city or county may establish clear and objective criteria and standards for the placement and design of mobile home or manufactured dwelling parks.

(b) If a city or county requires a hearing before approval of a mobile home or manufactured dwelling park, application of the criteria and standards adopted pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection shall be the sole issue to be determined at the hearing.

(c) No criteria or standards established under paragraph (a) of this subsection shall be adopted which would preclude the development of mobile home or manufactured dwelling parks within the intent of ORS 197.295 and 197.475 to 197.490. [1987 c.785 §4; 1989 c.648 §54]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008