(1) In order to finance the cost of installing any improvement for waterworks or water systems authorized by ORS 225.020, a city council may provide for and make a local assessment for benefits, for all or part of the cost of such construction, against any and all property whether within or without the city or partially within or partially without the city and enforce collection of such assessments. An assessment shall not be levied under this section against property located outside the city, however, unless the governing body of the county where such property is located, by resolution, approved the assessment of the property to be assessed.
(2) ORS 224.010 to 224.170, applying to assessments for construction of sewer systems, apply to assessments authorized by this section. [1971 c.269 §2]
Section: Previous 225.010 225.020 225.030 225.040 225.050 225.060 225.070 225.080 225.085 225.110 225.120 225.130 225.140 225.150 225.160 NextLast modified: August 7, 2008