Oregon Statutes - Chapter 25 - Support Enforcement - Section 25.643 - Disclosure of information on obligors by financial institutions; fees; liability.

(1) The Department of Justice and financial institutions doing business in this state shall enter into agreements to develop and operate a data match system using automated data exchanges to the maximum extent feasible.

(2) Pursuant to the agreements, financial institutions shall provide, for each calendar quarter, the name, address, Social Security number or other taxpayer identification number and other identifying information for each obligor who:

(a) Maintains an account at the institution; and

(b) Owes past due support, as identified by the department by name and Social Security number or other taxpayer identification number.

(3) The department shall pay a reasonable fee to a financial institution for conducting the data match provided for in this section. The fee may not exceed the actual costs incurred by the financial institution.

(4) A financial institution, including an institution-affiliated party as defined in section 3(u) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813(u)), is not liable under any state law to any person:

(a) For any disclosure of information to the department under this section;

(b) For encumbering or surrendering any assets held by the financial institution in response to a notice of lien or levy issued by the department; or

(c) For any other action taken in good faith to comply with the requirements of this section. [1997 c.746 §121; 2003 c.73 §37]

Note: See note under 25.640.

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Last modified: August 7, 2008