Oregon Statutes - Chapter 267 - Mass Transit Districts; Transportation Districts - Section 267.090 - Directors; appointment; term; vacancies; Governor to fix time of first meeting.

Except as provided in ORS 267.112:

(1) Board members of a mass transit district may not be elected at the time of formation, but if a district is formed, the Governor shall, within 60 days after receiving a certified copy of the formation order, appoint from subdistricts the members of the first board of directors of the district, designate one member as the temporary chairperson and fix the time and place of the organizational meeting.

(2) The board of directors of a mass transit district shall consist of seven members. One director shall be appointed from each of seven subdistricts. The Governor shall appoint as one of the directors a person who regularly uses the services provided by a mass transit system. Directors shall reside in the subdistrict from which they are respectively appointed. The subdistricts shall be as nearly equal in population as possible based on the latest federal census and shall be designed to ensure representation of the most populous city, other cities and unincorporated territory in the proposed district proportionate to their respective populations provided that if less than the entire district is taxed by the district, the subdistricts shall be wholly within the taxed area. The district or, if the taxed area is less than the entire district, the taxed area shall be divided into subdistricts initially, and after each succeeding federal census, by the Secretary of State.

(3) The term of office of a director is four years, but each director shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. Before the expiration of the term of a director, the director’s successor shall be appointed. A director is eligible for reappointment. In case of a vacancy for any cause, the Governor shall appoint a person to serve for the unexpired term. A director whose term has expired shall continue to serve until the appointment of a successor unless discharged by the Governor.

(4) All appointments of members of the board by the Governor are subject to confirmation by the Senate pursuant to section 4, Article III of the Oregon Constitution. [Formerly 267.110; 2007 c.71 §80]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008