(1) As payment for expenses of processing banking-related transactions, the State Treasurer may charge each state agency having such transactions involving the State Treasury. The amount so charged shall be determined by the number of transactions processed by the State Treasurer and shall be paid in the manner determined by the State Treasurer to be most efficient and cost effective. The proceeds from such charges shall be deposited in the Miscellaneous Receipts Account established in the General Fund for the State Treasurer, and such proceeds are continuously appropriated for payment of expenses of the office of the State Treasurer in processing banking-related transactions.
(2) When the State Treasurer transfers the assets of the local government investment pool to the state investment fund established under ORS 293.701 (2)(o) as authorized by ORS 294.882, “state agency,” as used in this section, includes local government participants in the state investment fund. [1971 c.161 §2; 1975 c.410 §1; 1989 c.569 §3; 1999 c.1043 §1]
Section: Previous 293.340 293.341 293.345 293.346 293.348 293.350 293.351 293.353 293.355 293.356 293.360 293.365 293.370 293.375 293.405 NextLast modified: August 7, 2008