Oregon Statutes - Chapter 294 - County and Municipal Financial Administration - Section 294.015 - Payment on lost, stolen or destroyed warrants upon affidavit of owner, payee or representative.

A warrant may be paid without surrender or delivery thereof if the one claiming to be the lawful owner of the warrant:

(1) Satisfies the officer by whom payment is to be made that the warrant has been lost, stolen or destroyed prior to the owner having received value therefor or having negotiated the warrant; and

(2) Furnishes to the issuing officer a written statement signed by such person specifically alleging that the owner is the lawful owner, payee or legal representative of the lawful owner or payee of the original instrument giving the date of issue, the number, amount, for what services or claim the original instrument was issued and that the original instrument has been lost, destroyed or stolen, and has not been paid. However, if the lawful owner, payee or legal representative is (a) a bank or national bank, (b) the federal government or (c) this state or any board, department, commission or subdivision of this state, or any officer thereof in the officer’s official capacity, a certificate may be furnished in lieu of an affidavit or affirmation. The issuing officer may also, in the officer’s discretion, require the bank or national bank to furnish a satisfactory indemnity agreement executed by the bank or national bank. [Amended by 1979 c.763 §6]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008