Oregon Statutes - Chapter 3 - Circuit Courts Generally - Section 3.238 - Power or duty to call special terms; procedure.

(1) When a term of court is appointed by a judge it shall be done by a general order made and entered of record during term time, or by a special order made and filed in vacation for the trial of a particular cause or the transaction of certain business specified in the special order, a certified copy of which special order shall be served on the parties to the cause or business 10 days prior to such term. In the former case, at the term so appointed, any business may be transacted that could be transacted during a regular term, but in the latter case only such as is specified in the order.

(2) Any circuit court judge of the third, seventeenth, nineteenth or twenty-first judicial district may, by order entered of record, convene special terms of court between regular terms, for the trial of actions, suits or other judicial proceedings, and may summon juries for such special terms.

(3) The judge of the circuit court for Gilliam, Grant, Sherman and Wheeler Counties shall convene a sufficient number of special or adjourned terms of court in the county to speedily adjudicate all equity cases and other matters which may arise between regular terms, and shall also convene special jury terms when necessary. [Formerly 4.410; 1985 c.540 §20]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008