Oregon Statutes - Chapter 308 - Assessment of Property for Taxation - Section 308.565 - Apportionment of assessment between counties.

(1) For the purpose of determining the respective amounts of the assessment of any company, under ORS 308.505 to 308.665, that shall be apportioned to the several counties in this state, into or through which the rail lines of the company extend or are operated, the Department of Revenue shall multiply the values per mile, as ascertained pursuant to ORS 308.570, of the several main and branch lines by the number of miles of such main and branch lines, respectively, including miles of main tracks, spurs, yard tracks and sidetracks, in each of the counties, as reported by the company, or as otherwise ascertained and determined by the department.

(2) Values distributed over wire, pipe or pole lines or operational routes shall be apportioned to the counties in which the lines or routes are situated by multiplying the rate per mile in each case, determined pursuant to ORS 308.575, by the number of miles of the wire, pipe or pole lines or operational routes in each county, respectively.

(3) If the property of any company assessable under ORS 308.505 to 308.665 is of such a character that its value cannot reasonably be apportioned on the basis of rail, wire, pipe, pole line or operational route mileage, the department may adopt such other method or basis of apportionment to the county or counties in which the property is situated as may be feasible and proper.

(4) As determined by the department values of electric power plants and water powers, connected with or used in the operation and business of any company, assessable under ORS 308.505 to 308.665, may be apportioned to the counties in which the same are situated, in such manner as the department deems reasonable and fair.

(5) Assessments of the mobile property of air transportation companies shall be allocated and apportioned to those counties only in which the air transportation companies make service landings. For aircraft less than 75,000 pounds gross taxi weight, the department shall allocate and apportion to the counties 60 percent of the value which would otherwise be allocated and apportioned.

(6) Assessments of water transportation companies shall be allocated and apportioned to those counties in which such companies use or maintain ports or termini including off-shore anchorages; but, for the purposes of ORS 308.505 to 308.665, the taxing districts to which assessments are apportioned by the county assessor shall be deemed to extend to the center of any river channel or to the ocean bar. [Amended by 1957 c.711 §9; 1987 c.601 §2; 1997 c.154 §40]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008