Oregon Statutes - Chapter 308 - Assessment of Property for Taxation - Section 308.905 - Special assessment on manufactured structure; collection; use.

(1) A special assessment is levied upon each manufactured structure that is assessed for ad valorem property tax purposes as personal property. The amount of the assessment is $5.

(2) The county assessor shall determine and list the manufactured structures in the county that are assessed for the current assessment year as personal property. Upon making a determination and list, the county assessor shall cause the special assessment levied under subsection (1) of this section to be entered on the general assessment and tax roll prepared for the current assessment year as a charge against each manufactured structure so listed. Upon entry, the special assessment shall become a lien, be assessed and be collected in the same manner and with the same interest, penalty and cost charges as apply to ad valorem property taxes in this state.

(3) Any amounts of special assessment collected pursuant to subsection (2) of this section shall be deposited in the county treasury, shall be paid over by the county treasurer to the State Treasury and shall be credited to the Mobile Home Parks Purchase Account to be used exclusively for the purposes described in ORS 456.581. [1989 c.919 §3]

Note: See note under 308.865.

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Last modified: August 7, 2008