Oregon Statutes - Chapter 343 - Special Education Services - Section 343.961 - Responsibility for costs of education of children in long-term care or treatment; district providing education; notice required before student dismissed from treatment program.

(1) The Department of Education shall be responsible for payment of the cost of the education in programs with which the Department of Human Services or Oregon Youth Authority contracts for long-term care or treatment. Programs eligible for such education shall be in accordance with criteria adopted by rule by the State Board of Education.

(2) The Department of Education shall be responsible for payment of the costs of such education by contract with the school district, excluding transportation, care, treatment and medical expenses. The resident district shall provide transportation to pupils enrolled in programs under ORS 430.715 who live at home but require day treatment. The payments may be made to the school district or, at the discretion of the school district, to the district providing the education, as set forth in subsection (3) of this section, from the funds appropriated for the purpose.

(3) The school district in which the agency is located is responsible for providing the education directly or through an adjacent school district or through the education service district in which the program is located or one contiguous thereto. The instruction may be given in facilities of such districts or in facilities provided by such agency.

(4) The school district may request the Department of Education to combine several private agency school programs into one contract with a school district, an adjacent school district or an education service district.

(5) The Department of Human Services shall give the school district providing the education at a treatment program 14 days’ notice before a student is dismissed from the treatment program.

(6) The Department of Education may make advances to such school district from funds appropriated therefor based on the estimated agreed cost of educating the pupils per school year. Advances equal to 25 percent of such estimated cost may be made on September 1, December 1 and March 1 of the current year. The balance may be paid whenever the full determination of cost is made.

(7) School districts which provide the education described in this section on a year-round plan may apply for 25 percent of the funds appropriated therefor on July 1, October 1, January 1, and 15 percent on April 1. The balance may be paid whenever the full determination of cost is made.

(8) In addition to the payment methods described in this section, the Department of Education may:

(a) Negotiate interagency agreements to pay for the cost of education in treatment programs operated under the auspices of the State Board of Higher Education; and

(b) Negotiate intergovernmental agreements to pay for the cost of education in treatment programs operated under the auspices of the Oregon Health and Science University Board of Directors. [1985 c.555 §19a; enacted in lieu of 343.960 and 343.965; 1987 c.223 §1; 1989 c.1011 §1; 1991 c.780 §26; 1991 c.795 §13; 1993 c.749 §20; 1997 c.521 §26]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008