(1) Under the direction of the Trust for Cultural Development Board, the Arts Program shall disburse each fiscal year up to 42 percent of the amount in the Trust for Cultural Development Account on July 1.
(2) The Arts Program may use up to 7.5 percent of any amount disbursed from the account under subsection (1) of this section for:
(a) Supporting the operations of the account;
(b) Facilitating technical assistance;
(c) Local cultural planning; and
(d) Other activities that encourage cultural activity.
(3) At least 92.5 percent of any amount disbursed from the account under subsection (1) of this section shall be distributed as follows:
(a) One-third to the preservation of, stabilization of and investment in Oregon’s cultural resources through the Cultural Development Grant Program as provided under ORS 359.431.
(b) One-third to Oregon’s counties and to the nine federally recognized Indian tribes through the Community Cultural Participation Grant Program as provided under ORS 359.436.
(c) One-third to the core partner agencies as provided under ORS 359.441. [2001 c.954 §9; 2003 c.713 §11]
Section: Previous 359.350 359.355 359.360 359.365 359.400 359.405 359.410 359.413 359.416 359.421 359.426 359.431 359.436 359.441 359.444 NextLast modified: August 7, 2008