Oregon Statutes - Chapter 381 - Interstate Bridges
- 381.005 Construction, acquisition and maintenance of Columbia River bridges.
The Department of Transportation in the name of the state may construct, reconstruct, purchase, rent, lease or otherwise acquire, improve, operate and maintain bridges over...
- 381.010 Agreements for carrying out powers.
For the purpose of carrying out or putting into effect the right, power and authority granted by ORS 381.005 to 381.080 or any other law,...
- 381.015 Contents of agreement.
Any agreement made or contract entered into pursuant to the authority of ORS 381.005 to 381.080 shall, among other things, contain express provisions with respect...
- 381.020 Using funds available for bridge expenses; reimbursement.
The Department of Transportation may pay out of state highway funds or any other funds available to it any part of the cost of the...
- 381.025 [Repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]
- 381.030 [Repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]
- 381.035 [Repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]
- 381.040 [Repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]
- 381.045 [Repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]
- 381.050 [Repealed by 1975 c.771 §33]
- 381.055 [Repealed by 1969 c.197 §1]
- 381.060 [Repealed by 1975 c.771 §33]
- 381.065 [Amended by 1971 c.741 §27; repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]
- 381.070 [Repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]
- 381.075 Bridge, connecting road and approaches as state highway.
The connecting road and approaches to any bridge mentioned in ORS 381.005, on the Oregon side of the Columbia River, together with the bridge to...
- 381.080 ORS 381.005 to 381.075 as cumulative.
The authority conferred by ORS 381.005 to 381.075 is cumulative and in addition and supplemental to the authority conferred by any other law.
- 381.085 [Repealed by 1953 c.389 §7]
- 381.086 [1953 c.389 §1; repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]
- 381.088 [1953 c.389 §2; 1987 c.447 §123; repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]
- 381.090 [1953 c.389 §3; repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]
- 381.092 [1953 c.389 §4; repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]
- 381.094 [1953 c.389 §5; repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]
- 381.096 Construction, acquisition and maintenance of Snake River bridges.
The Department of Transportation in the name of the state may construct, reconstruct, purchase, rent, lease or otherwise acquire, improve, operate and maintain bridges over...
- 381.098 Agreements for carrying out powers granted by ORS 381.096.
For the purpose of carrying out or putting into effect the right, power and authority granted by ORS 381.096 or any other law, the Department...
- 381.100 Contents of agreement.
Any agreement made or contract entered into pursuant to the authority of ORS 381.098 shall, among other things, contain express provisions with respect to: (1)...
- 381.110 [1989 c.264 §5; repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]
- 381.205 Construction, acquisition and maintenance of interstate bridges by counties, cities, towns and ports.
Each county, city, town or port of this state adjoining or bordering on any interstate river or stream of water may construct, reconstruct, purchase, rent,...
- 381.210 Agreements for carrying out powers of counties, cities, towns and ports.
For the purpose of carrying out or putting into effect the right, power and authority granted by ORS 381.205 to 381.305 or any other law,...
- 381.215 Independent or cooperative action.
In carrying out ORS 381.205 to 381.305, each of the counties, cities, towns or ports mentioned in ORS 381.205 may act independent of or in...
- 381.220 Contents of agreement.
Any agreement made or contract entered into pursuant to the authority of ORS 381.205 to 381.305 shall, among other things, contain express provisions with respect...
- 381.225 Using funds available to public body for bridge expenses.
Any county, city, town or port mentioned in ORS 381.205 may pay out of its respective funds or any other funds available to any of...
- 381.227 Employment and compensation of attorneys.
Whenever any county undertakes the construction or acquisition of an interstate bridge or ferry pursuant to ORS 381.205 to 381.305, the county court or board...
- 381.230 Using bond proceeds for bridge expenses; security.
The construction, purchase, acquisition, operation or maintenance of any bridge or of its approaches authorized by ORS 381.205 to 381.305 may be financed in whole...
- 381.235 Formal requirements and conditions of bonds.
Revenue bonds mentioned in ORS 381.230: (1) Shall be made to mature at such times and bear such annual rate of interest, payable semiannually, as...
- 381.237 Issuance of refunding revenue bonds.
(1) Any county, city, town or port mentioned in ORS 381.205, heretofore or hereafter issuing its revenue bonds under ORS 381.205 to 381.305, may thereafter...
- 381.239 Revenue bonds and refunding revenue bonds are negotiable instruments; not deemed general obligations of issuer.
All revenue bonds and refunding revenue bonds issued under ORS 381.205 to 381.305 shall be negotiable instruments under the law merchant, notwithstanding they shall be...
- 381.240 Incurring indebtedness for bridge expenses; issuing voted bonds.
Any and all of the counties, cities, towns or ports mentioned in ORS 381.205, independently or in conjunction with each other, may incur indebtedness and...
- 381.245 Payment of bond principal and interest with bridge tolls.
If any bridge constructed, purchased or otherwise acquired under ORS 381.205 to 381.305 is operated as a toll bridge, and the revenues or any part...
- 381.250 Acceptance of funds from United States and gifts.
In carrying out ORS 381.205 to 381.305 each of the counties, cities, towns or ports mentioned in ORS 381.205 may: (1) Accept from the United...
- 381.255 Selection of bridge sites.
The parties contracting for the construction of any bridges under ORS 381.205 to 381.305 shall select and agree upon sites, but no such bridge shall...
- 381.260 Plans and specifications for bridge construction.
Before any bridge is constructed by any of the counties, cities, towns or ports mentioned in ORS 381.205, the authorities desiring to construct the same...
- 381.265 Provision in bridge plans for rail traffic; contracting with railroad companies.
(1) Preparation of the specifications and designs of any bridge constructed under ORS 381.205 to 381.305 may give consideration to and include provisions for facilities...
- 381.270 Bids for bridge construction.
Competitive bids shall be invited for the construction of any bridge mentioned in ORS 381.260 in conformity with the plans, specifications and design. The call...
- 381.275 Contracts made in name of authority authorizing work.
All contracts made and entered into for the construction, purchase, acquisition, reconstruction, improvement or repair of any bridge mentioned in ORS 381.205 shall be made...
- 381.280 Bond required with certain contracts.
There shall be required, in connection with all contracts mentioned in ORS 381.275 and involving the employment of labor and materials, a satisfactory bond in...
- 381.285 Power to exercise eminent domain.
Any county, city, town or port mentioned in ORS 381.205 may exercise the power of eminent domain to carry out any of the provisions of...
- 381.290 Operation of bridge as free or toll bridge.
Any bridge constructed, purchased or otherwise acquired and operated under ORS 381.205 to 381.305 may be operated free to the public or on toll. If...
- 381.295 Bridge, connecting road and approaches as state highway.
The connecting road and approaches to any bridges mentioned in ORS 381.205, on the Oregon side of the interstate river, together with the bridge to...
- 381.300 Acquisition and operation of interstate ferry by bridge authority.
In the event that any county, city, town or port mentioned in ORS 381.205 has purchased or acquired or agreed to purchase or acquire any...
- 381.302 Acquiring and operating interstate ferry by bridge authority as part of cost of acquiring interstate bridge.
(1) Whenever any county, city, town or port mentioned in ORS 381.205, heretofore or hereafter determines through its governing authority to construct a bridge under...
- 381.305 Authority conferred by ORS 381.205 to 381.300 is supplemental authority.
The authority conferred by ORS 381.205 to 381.300 is in addition and supplemental to the authority conferred by any other law. INTERSTATE BRIDGES FINANCED BY...
- 381.405 “Construct,” “construction” and “county court” defined.
As used in ORS 381.405 to 381.520: (1) “Construct” includes repair, maintain, improve or other words of similar meaning. (2) “Construction” includes repair, maintenance, improvement...
- 381.410 Interstate bridges as permanent roads.
Bridges over rivers and bodies of water forming interstate boundaries are permanent roads and include approaches and viaducts leading thereto.
- 381.415 Counties given state power to construct bridges.
For the purposes of ORS 381.405 to 381.520 the right, power and authority of the state to construct bridges, viaducts and roadways over navigable streams...
- 381.420 County financing construction of interstate bridges.
Counties may borrow money for the purpose of constructing interstate bridges and issue bonds to evidence such indebtedness.
- 381.425 [Repealed by 1991 c.220 §15]
- 381.430 [Repealed by 1991 c.220 §15]
- 381.435 [Repealed by 1991 c.220 §15]
- 381.440 Bond election; petition requirements; debt limitation.
(1) This section establishes the procedure for determining whether a county shall issue bonds for the construction of an interstate bridge under ORS 381.420. The...
- 381.445 [Repealed by 1983 c.350 §331a]
- 381.450 [Repealed by 1983 c.350 §331a]
- 381.455 [Repealed by 1983 c.350 §331a]
- 381.460 [Repealed by 1983 c.350 §331a]
- 381.465 [Repealed by 1983 c.350 §331a]
- 381.470 [Repealed by 1983 c.350 §331a]
- 381.475 [Repealed by 1983 c.350 §331a]
- 381.480 [Repealed by 1983 c.350 §331a]
- 381.485 [Repealed by 1983 c.350 §331a]
- 381.490 County bonding committee.
The county court is created a bonding committee of the county. The judge of the county court or chairperson of the board of county commissioners...
- 381.495 Duties and powers of bonding committee.
If the electors of the county approve the issuance of bonds, the bonding committee shall arrange to issue and sell the bonds. The bonding committee...
- 381.500 Terms and conditions of bonds.
(1) The bonds mentioned in ORS 381.420 shall: (a) Be in denominations of $100 or more, but not exceeding $1,000. (b) Run not to exceed...
- 381.505 Registering bonds.
The county treasurer shall keep a register of all the bonds issued or sold under ORS 381.405 to 381.520, noting therein the number of bonds,...
- 381.510 Bond advertisement and sale.
(1) The bonding committee shall advertise in one newspaper in the county, if there is one, in one leading newspaper in Portland, Oregon, and in...
- 381.515 Custody and disbursement of bond proceeds.
The proceeds of all the bonds sold under ORS 381.405 to 381.520 shall be paid into the county treasury and shall go into a special...
- 381.520 Tax to pay bond interest and principal.
The county court shall, at the time of making the annual tax levy upon the previous year’s assessment, levy a tax on all the taxable...
- 381.605 City construction, operation and financing of interstate bridges.
Incorporated cities may construct, maintain and operate toll bridges over rivers and bodies of water forming interstate boundaries, and for such purpose may borrow money...
- 381.610 [Repealed by 1983 c.350 §250 (381.611 enacted in lieu of 381.610)]
- 381.611 Bond election; petition requirements.
(1) This section establishes the procedure for determining whether a city shall issue bonds for the construction of an interstate bridge under ORS 381.605. The...
- 381.615 Majority vote required.
The council may issue and sell bonds for the purpose mentioned in ORS 381.605 only upon the approval of a majority of those voting on...
- 381.620 [Repealed by 1983 c.350 §331a]
- 381.625 [Repealed by 1983 c.350 §331a]
- 381.630 [Repealed by 1983 c.350 §331a]
- 381.635 Duties and powers of council.
If the electors of the city approve the issuance of bonds, the council shall arrange to issue and sell the bonds. The council may arrange...
- 381.640 Terms and conditions of bonds.
(1) The bonds mentioned in ORS 381.605 shall: (a) Be in denominations of $100 or more, but not exceeding $1,000. (b) Run not to exceed...
- 381.645 Registering bonds.
The city treasurer shall keep a register of all the bonds issued or sold under ORS 381.605 to 381.670, noting therein the number of bonds,...
- 381.650 Bond advertisement and sale.
(1) The bonds shall be advertised and sold to the highest bidder for cash. (2) The council shall advertise in one newspaper, if there is...
- 381.655 Custody and disbursement of bond proceeds.
The proceeds of all the bonds sold under ORS 381.605 to 381.670 shall be paid into the city treasury and shall go into a special...
- 381.660 Use of tolls to pay bonded indebtedness and bridge maintenance.
(1) Tolls shall be fixed, charged and collected for passage over the bridge mentioned in ORS 381.605, and shall be so fixed and adjusted as...
- 381.665 Tax for bridge expense not paid by tolls.
Should the tolls and revenues procured for the use of the bridge be insufficient to pay the cost of maintaining, repairing and operating the bridge...
- 381.670 Plans for bridge construction; bids; awarding contract.
(1) The council shall cause to be prepared surveys, plans, specifications and estimates for the materials to be used and the manner and method of...
- 381.805 [Repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]
- 381.810 [Repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]
- 381.815 [Repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]
- 381.820 [Repealed by 2007 c.531 §19]
Last modified: August 7, 2008