Oregon Statutes - Chapter 396 - Militia Generally - Section 396.515 - Sale, exchange or lease of military department property.

(1) Subject to the restriction contained in subsection (4) of this section, the Oregon Military Department may sell, exchange or lease any military department real property that is found to have become unsuitable for military department purposes. The Adjutant General shall make a determination of the unsuitability of the property for military department purposes and the advisability or necessity of sale, exchange or lease of the property.

(2) Title to any real property sold or exchanged shall be given in the name of the State of Oregon, and the deed conveying the title shall be signed by the Adjutant General. Title to real property received in exchange of military department real property shall be taken in the name of the State of Oregon, and the control of the property shall be vested in the military department.

(3) Military department real property owned jointly by the State of Oregon and the United States, or military department real property subject to federal restrictions in conflict with ORS 396.505 to 396.545, shall, with appropriate federal authorization, be subject to the provisions of ORS 396.505 to 396.545.

(4) Prior to the sale of military department real property, the military department shall submit to the Legislative Assembly if in regular session, or to the Emergency Board when the legislature is not in regular session, the proposed sale of military department real property, for approval. [1961 c.454 §32; 2003 c.28 §1]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008