Oregon Statutes - Chapter 419C - Juvenile Code: Delinquency - Section 419C.059 - Facilitation of disposition; interests of youth; authority of court where proceeding pending to allow other county to conduct hearing or assume jurisdiction.

Where a proceeding is pending in the juvenile court of any county, the juvenile court of that county may authorize the juvenile court of any other county to do one or both of the following, where it will facilitate the disposition of the case without adverse effect on the interests of the youth:

(1) To conduct a hearing into the facts alleged to bring the youth within the jurisdiction of the juvenile court, to determine the facts and to certify its findings to the court in which the case is pending.

(2) To assume jurisdiction over the case and administer probation or protection supervision of the youth, where the court in which the proceeding is pending:

(a) Finds that the youth has moved to the other county or orders as part of its disposition of the proceeding that legal custody of the youth be given to a person residing in the other county; and

(b) Is advised that the court of the other county will accept jurisdiction of the case. The cost of administering probation or protective supervision of the youth shall be paid by the county accepting jurisdiction, unless the transferring and receiving counties otherwise agree. The cost of transporting the youth shall be paid by the county transferring jurisdiction, unless the transferring and receiving counties otherwise agree. [1993 c.33 §155]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008