Oregon Statutes - Chapter 433 - Disease and Condition Control; Mass Gatherings; Indoor Air - Section 433.755 - Additional information required before permit issued; liability of permit holder; casualty insurance; county as additional insured.

(1) In reviewing an application for a permit to hold an outdoor mass gathering, the county governing body may require such plans, specifications and reports as it may deem necessary for proper review and it may request and shall receive from all public officers, departments and agencies of the state and its political subdivisions such cooperation and assistance as it may deem necessary. If the county governing body determines upon examination of the permit application that the outdoor mass gathering creates a potential for injury to persons or property, the county governing body may require organizers to obtain an insurance policy in an amount commensurate with the risk, but not exceeding $1 million. The policy of casualty insurance shall provide coverage against liability for death, injury or disability of any human or for damage to property arising out of the outdoor mass gathering. The county shall be named as an additional insured under the policy.

(2) In the event of failure to remove all debris or residue and repair any damage to personal or real property arising out of the outdoor mass gathering within 72 hours after its termination and to remove any temporary structures used at the outdoor mass gathering within three weeks after its termination, the county governing body may file suit against the organizer for financial settlement as is needed to remove debris, residue or temporary structures and to repair such damage to real or personal property of persons not attending the outdoor mass gathering. The organizer shall be wholly responsible for payment of any fines imposed under ORS 433.990 (7). [1971 c.597 §4; 1985 c.758 §5; 1993 c.779 §2; 2001 c.104 §158; 2007 c.445 §33]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008