Oregon Statutes - Chapter 433 - Disease and Condition Control; Mass Gatherings; Indoor Air - Section 433.830 - Immunity of trained person and institution rendering emergency assistance.

(1) No cause of action shall arise against a person who has successfully completed an educational training program described in ORS 433.815 for any act or omission of the person when acting in good faith while rendering emergency treatment pursuant to the authority granted by ORS 433.800 to 433.830, except where such conduct can be described as wanton misconduct.

(2) No cause of action shall arise against an institution, facility, agency or organization when acting in good faith to allow for the rendering of emergency treatment pursuant to the authority granted by ORS 433.800 to 433.830, except where such conduct can be described as wanton misconduct. [1981 c.367 §6; 1997 c.345 §7]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008