Oregon Statutes - Chapter 441 - Health Care Facilities - Section 441.067 - Inspection reports, complaint procedures and rules; posting.

(1) The Department of Human Services shall provide to each licensed long term care facility in the state in writing in clear concise language readily comprehensible by the average person:

(a) The most recent inspection report conducted by the department of that facility;

(b) An outline of the procedures for filing complaints against long term care facilities; and

(c) A summary of rules of the department affecting patient care standards for long term care facilities.

(2) The owner or operator of a long term care facility shall post the information provided pursuant to subsection (1) of this section in a prominent place and shall, upon request, provide a copy of the information to each patient of, or person applying for admission to, the facility, or the guardian or conservator of the applicant or patient. [1975 c.360 §3; 1987 c.428 §13]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008