Oregon Statutes - Chapter 444 - Special Medical Services for Children - Section 444.300 - Department of Human Services database on childhood diabetes; rules.

(1) Subject to available funding, including gifts, grants or donations, the Department of Human Services shall establish a uniform, statewide database for the collection of information on Type I and Type II diabetes occurring in children in Oregon. The purposes of the database shall be to collect and serve as a repository for data about the prevalence and incidence of diabetes occurring in the pediatric population of this state and to make the data available for scientific and medical research and for assistance in making decisions about the allocation of public resources.

(2) The database established by subsection (1) of this section shall include data provided to the department by schools and physicians as required by ORS 444.310 and 444.320.

(3) The department shall adopt rules:

(a) Necessary to carry out the purposes of ORS 444.300 to 444.330, including but not limited to the reporting format and the effective date after which reporting by schools and physicians shall be required; and

(b) Under which confidential data may be used by third parties to conduct research and studies for the public good. [2001 c.719 §1]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008