Oregon Statutes - Chapter 459 - Solid Waste Management - Section 459.235 - Applications for permits; fees.

(1) Applications for permits shall be on forms prescribed by the Department of Environmental Quality. An application shall contain a description of the existing and proposed operation and the existing and proposed facilities at the site, with detailed plans and specifications for any facilities to be constructed. The application shall include a recommendation by each local government unit having jurisdiction and such other information the department deems necessary in order to determine whether the site and solid waste disposal facilities located thereon and the operation will comply with applicable requirements.

(2) The Environmental Quality Commission shall establish a schedule of fees for disposal site permits. The permit fees contained in the schedule shall be based on the anticipated cost of filing and investigating the application, of issuing or denying the requested permit and of an inspection program to determine compliance or noncompliance with the permit.

(3) In addition to the fees imposed under subsection (2) of this section, the commission shall establish a schedule of permit fees for the purpose of implementing this section and ORS 90.318, 182.375, 279A.125, 279A.155, 279B.025, 279B.240, 279B.270, 279B.280, 459.005, 459.015, 459.247, 459.418, 459.995, 459A.005, 459A.010, 459A.020, 459A.030 to 459A.055, 459A.070, 459A.110, 459A.115, 459A.475, 459A.480, 459A.500 to 459A.685, 459A.695 and 459A.750. The fees shall be based on the amount of solid waste received at the disposal site.

(4) Notwithstanding any other fee or surcharge imposed under ORS 459.005 to 459.437 or 459A.005 to 459A.120, for the disposal of solid waste, in order to encourage the use of suitable material other than virgin material for daily cover at a disposal site, the only fee that may be charged for the disposal of substitute material that is also used for daily cover is the permit fee established under this section. [1971 c.648 §9; 1977 c.37 §1; 1983 c.144 §1; 1987 c.876 §18; 1989 c.833 §154; 1991 c.331 §65; 1991 c.385 §12a; 1993 c.343 §2; 1993 c.560 §§24,24a; 1995 c.281 §1; 2003 c.794 §285]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008