Oregon Statutes - Chapter 463 - Boxing, Mixed Martial Arts and Entertainment Wrestling - Section 463.149 - Oregon State Athletic Commission Medical Advisory Committee; appointment; duties; nomination of ringside physicians.

(1) There is established an Oregon State Athletic Commission Medical Advisory Committee consisting of five members appointed by the Superintendent of State Police. Members of the committee shall be physicians licensed under ORS chapter 677.

(2) The term of office of each committee member is four years, but committee members serve at the pleasure of the superintendent. A committee member may not serve more than two consecutive terms, except that a committee member serves until a successor is appointed and qualified. If there is a vacancy for any cause, the superintendent shall make an appointment to become immediately effective for the unexpired term.

(3) A committee member is entitled to the same compensation and expenses provided for members of the Oregon State Athletic Commission under ORS 463.125.

(4) A majority of the members of the committee constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business.

(5) The committee shall gather, assess and update, when necessary, medical data for the purpose of recommending to the commission:

(a) Fitness criteria for contestants to be applied in prefight medical examinations;

(b) Medical procedures and substances allowed for use by seconds in a contestant’s corner;

(c) Emergency procedures for ring injuries;

(d) Post-fight examination and treatment procedures; and

(e) Safety equipment required to promote the best interests of the contestants.

(6) The committee shall periodically present to the commission the proposed safety and medical procedures developed under subsection (5) of this section for discussion and consideration for adoption.

(7) The committee shall identify and nominate for approval by the commission a sufficient number of qualified licensed physicians to serve as ringside physicians for boxing and mixed martial arts events held throughout this state.

(8) A member of the committee who has been nominated by the committee and approved by the commission may serve as a ringside physician. [2007 c.585 §9]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008