Oregon Statutes - Chapter 480 - Explosives; Flammable Materials; Pressure Vessels - Section 480.270 - Revocation or suspension for violations; surrender of certificate of possession.

(1) The issuing authority may suspend or revoke a certificate of possession if the issuing authority finds that the person to whom the certificate of possession was issued is ineligible for the certificate of possession under ORS 480.225 or 480.230 or that the person has been convicted of a violation under ORS 480.990 (6).

(2) A certificate of possession suspended or revoked under subsection (1) of this section shall be void from the date of the suspension or revocation. The person to whom the certificate of possession was issued shall surrender the suspended or revoked certificate of possession to the issuing authority upon the demand of the issuing authority. [1971 c.518 §19; 1987 c.158 §109; 1999 c.980 §9]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008