Oregon Statutes - Chapter 508 - Licenses and Permits - Section 508.720 - Altering terms of permits; findings; hearing; restoration of fish population.

(1) If the State Fish and Wildlife Commission finds that the operation described in the permit is not in the best public interest, it shall alter the conditions of the permit to mitigate such adverse effects or may cause an orderly termination of the operation under the permit. Proceedings to cause such alteration or termination shall be conducted in accordance with ORS chapter 183. An orderly termination shall not exceed a four-year period and shall culminate in the revocation of the permit in its entirety. During this period the permittee may continue to examine and take specified propagated chum salmon, chinook salmon, silver salmon or pink salmon according to the provisions of the permit but may not release additional fish.

(2) If the commission finds the operation has caused deterioration of the natural run of anadromous fish or any population of resident game fish in the waters covered by the permit, it may require the permittee to return the fish populations to the same condition that existed prior to issuance of the permit. If the permittee fails to take appropriate action, the commission shall take such action and the permittee shall bear any cost incurred by the commission. [1971 c.203 §6; 1973 c.356 §2; 1975 c.253 §32; 1979 c.556 §2; 1989 c.817 §2]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008