Oregon Statutes - Chapter 517 - Mining and Mining Claims - Section 517.982 - Final permits; permit conditions submitted by cooperating agencies.

(1) Based on information received at the consolidated public hearing, from persons submitting written comments, commenting agencies and the review of the affected agencies, each permitting agency shall, within 45 days after the consolidated public hearing under ORS 517.981 or within the time period required by any applicable federal law, whichever is sooner, approve, deny or modify the agency’s permit with conditions necessary to assure that the chemical process mining operation allowed under a permit complies with the standards and requirements applicable to the permit.

(2) Each cooperating agency shall develop permit conditions within the expertise and authority of the cooperating agency and submit the permit conditions to the State Department of Geology and Mineral Industries to be included as conditions on the department’s permit. The department shall not issue a permit until each cooperating agency has submitted a written concurrence with the terms and conditions of the permit as such pertain to the statutory responsibility of each cooperating agency.

(3) Upon completion of the permits, the department shall issue a notice in accordance with ORS 517.959 to notify interested persons that the final permits are issued. [1991 c.735 §20]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008