Oregon Statutes - Chapter 547 - Drainage Districts - Section 547.005 - Authority to form drainage district.

The persons shown by the records of the county to be the owners of 50 percent of the acreage in any contiguous body of swamp, wet or overflowed lands or irrigated lands, waters from which contribute to the swamp, wet or overflowed conditions of those or other lands, situated in one or more counties of the state, may form a drainage district for the purpose of having such lands reclaimed and protected by drainage or otherwise from the effects of water, for sanitary or agricultural purposes, or when the same may be conducive to the public health, convenience and welfare or of public utility or benefit.

Section:  547.005  547.010  547.015  547.020  547.025  547.030  547.035  547.040  547.045  547.050  547.055  547.060  547.105  547.110  547.112  Next

Last modified: August 7, 2008