Oregon Statutes - Chapter 583 - Milk Marketing, Production and Distribution - Section 583.485 - Contents of petition.

Petitions filed with the State Department of Agriculture by producers, handlers and licensees shall comply with the provisions of ORS 583.001, 583.004, 583.021, 583.028 and 583.410 to 583.565 and applicable law and regulations thereunder. A petition shall:

(1) Consist of one or more pages, each of which is dated at the bottom. The date shall be inserted on each sheet prior to, or at the time the first signature is obtained on each sheet. The department shall not accept a sheet on which such date is more than 60 days prior to the time it is filed with the department. After a petition is filed, additional pages may be filed if time limits have not expired and there is compliance with other provisions of ORS 583.001, 583.004, 583.021, 583.028 and 583.410 to 583.565.

(2) Contain wording at the top of each page which clearly explains to each person whose signature appears thereon the meaning and intent of the petition. Such wording shall also clearly indicate to the department if it is in reference to a request for public hearing, exactly what matters are to be studied and desired. Similar information must be directed to the department if the matter relates to a referendum. The department has the authority to clarify wording from a petition before making it a part of a referendum. [1963 c.442 §22(6); 1977 c.307 §11]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008