Oregon Statutes - Chapter 723 - Credit Unions - Section 723.012 - Organization procedure; articles of incorporation; bylaws; fee; rules.

(1) Any seven or more residents of this state or another appropriate jurisdiction, of legal age, who have a common bond referred to in ORS 723.172 may organize a credit union and become charter members thereof by complying with this section.

(2) The incorporators shall execute the documents, including the articles of incorporation, required by the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services to apply for a credit union charter. The articles shall state:

(a) The name, which shall include the words “credit union” and which shall not be the same as that of any other existing credit union in this state.

(b) The location where the proposed credit union is to have its principal place of business.

(c) The par value, if any, of the shares of the credit union shall be defined in the bylaws.

(d) The full name, residence and post-office address of each of the incorporators.

(e) The number of its directors, which shall not be less than five, and the names of the incorporators who shall be its directors until the first annual meeting of shareholders.

(f) The number of members of the supervisory committee, which shall not be less than three, and the name, residence and post-office address of the persons who are to serve as members until the first meeting of directors.

(3) The incorporators shall prepare and adopt bylaws for the general government of the credit union, which shall be consistent with this chapter.

(4) The incorporators shall forward the articles of incorporation and the bylaws to the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Services, together with a filing fee in an amount that the director sets by rule. The director shall issue a certificate of approval if the articles and the bylaws are in conformity with this chapter and the director is satisfied that the ability of the proposed credit union to operate successfully is favorable. The director shall return a copy of the bylaws and the articles to the applicants or their representatives, which shall be preserved in the permanent files of the credit union. The application shall be acted upon by the director within 60 days.

(5) The subscribers for a credit union charter shall not transact any business until formal approval of the articles and bylaws has been received. [1975 c.652 §4; 1985 c.762 §85; 1987 c.286 §1; 1999 c.185 §2; 2007 c.343 §1]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008