Oregon Statutes - Chapter 783 - Liabilities and Offenses Connected With Shipping and Navigation; Shipbreaking; Ballast Water - Section 783.570 - Enforcement officer in Portland and Astoria.

The mayor and common council of the cities of Portland and Astoria, severally shall appoint or designate a person or officer to see that ORS 783.510 to 783.560 are not violated and that the provisions thereof are enforced. Such person or officer shall have all the authority and powers of a peace officer, and may make arrests for violation of ORS 783.510 to 783.560. The person or officer shall perform such other duties as to the enforcement of those sections as may be enjoined upon the person or officer by the respective common council and shall receive such compensation for services as the common council may by ordinance provide.

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Last modified: August 7, 2008