Oregon Statutes - Chapter 807 - Driving Privileges and Identification Cards - Section 807.340 - Reestablishment of eligibility; effect of failure to reestablish; waiver of fee.

(1) The Department of Transportation may require any person to whom a license, driver permit or endorsement is issued to appear before the department and reestablish the person’s eligibility by taking either an examination under ORS 807.070 or following the procedures in ORS 807.090, as appropriate. The department may act under this section if the department has reason to believe that the person may:

(a) No longer be qualified to hold a license, driver permit or endorsement; or

(b) No longer be able to safely operate a motor vehicle.

(2) If a person does not appear before the department within a reasonable time after receiving notice from the department under this section or is unable to reestablish eligibility to the satisfaction of the department under this section, the department may take action to suspend the person’s driving privileges under ORS 809.419.

(3) A person who is required to take one or more tests described in ORS 807.070 in order to reestablish eligibility under this section is not required to pay the fee established under ORS 807.370 for the test. [1983 c.338 §314; 1985 c.608 §21; 2003 c.14 §483; 2003 c.402 §18; 2003 c.618 §51]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008