Oregon Statutes - Chapter 87 - Statutory Liens - Section 87.777 - Filing certificate of lien satisfaction upon payment for grain; liability of producer for failure to discharge lien.

(1) If an agricultural producer files a notice of lien under ORS 87.762, when the producer receives full payment for the grain, the producer shall file with the Secretary of State a certificate declaring that full payment has been received and that the lien is discharged.

(2) Upon receiving the certificate, the Secretary of State shall enter it in the index maintained by the secretary for filing financing statements pursuant to ORS chapter 79.

(3) If an agricultural producer that receives full payment for grain fails to file a certificate described in this section on or before the 10th day after receiving a request for filing from a purchaser, the producer is liable to the purchaser of the grain in the sum of $100 damages and for all actual damages caused by the failure, to be recovered in an action at law. [1981 c.446 §7; 2001 c.301 §22]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008