Oregon Statutes - Chapter 90 - Residential Landlord and Tenant - Section 90.305 - Disclosure of certain matters; retention of rental agreement; inspection of agreement.

(1) The landlord shall disclose to the tenant in writing at or before the commencement of the tenancy the name and address of:

(a) The person authorized to manage the premises; and

(b) An owner of the premises or a person authorized to act for and on behalf of the owner for the purpose of service of process and receiving and receipting for notices and demands.

(2) The information required to be furnished by this section shall be kept current and this section extends to and is enforceable against any successor landlord, owner or manager.

(3) A person who is authorized to manage the premises, or to enter into a rental agreement, and fails to comply with subsection (1) of this section becomes an agent of each person who is a landlord for service of process and receiving and receipting for notices and demands.

(4)(a) A landlord shall retain a copy of each rental agreement at the resident manager’s office or at the address provided to the tenant under subsection (1)(a) of this section.

(b) A tenant may request to see the rental agreement and, within a reasonable time, the landlord shall make the agreement available for inspection. At the request of the tenant and upon payment of a reasonable charge, not to exceed the lesser of 25 cents per page or the actual copying costs, the landlord shall provide the tenant with a copy of the rental agreement. This subsection shall not diminish the landlord’s obligation to furnish the tenant an initial copy of the rental agreement and any amendments under ORS 90.220 (3). [Formerly 91.765; 1993 c.369 §5; 1999 c.603 §17; 2003 c.378 §11]

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Last modified: August 7, 2008